vie for Fair Royalty
The candidates for the 2018 Idaho County Fair Royalty are from left: Emma Gehring, Sierah Poxleitner and Rachel Chmelik. The competition includes (1) contestant picnic sponsored by the 2016-2017 royalty scheduled for July 26, (2) a catered luncheon set for August 9th, and (3) participation in the fashion show on August 16th and the (4) crowning on August 18th. All contestants are required to attend each one of these events. Contestants this year are Emma Gehring of Keuterville,Sierah Poxleitner of Cottonwood and Rachel Chmelik of Grangeville. She belongs to Catholic Youth Group, Keuterville Livestock 4-H Club and participates in volleyball and track at school. In Catholic Youth Group she does such things as clean roads, wash cars, visit the elderly and helps put on Catholic Youth nights. She is currently the president of her 4-H club. Past Fair involvement includes market lamb, market swine, market beef and sewing projects. Employment includes babysitting, working at the farm/ranch for her father Gerry Gehring and also runs cows at Cottonwood Livestock Auction. She enjoys riding 4-wheelers, baking, fishing, sewing, painting, playing volleyball, going to Catholic Youth retreats, camping and spending time with family and friends. She plans to attend the University of Idaho once she graduates and study Agriculture and Business. 3 life goals include going to college and graduating from the U of I, growing closer to God through her faith and to have a happy, loving family. She feels her strongest personal quality is her ability to taking charge and have a positive outlook such as in volleyball where she helps people know where they need to be and to try and help cheer everyone up. Her family and friends are most important in her life because she feels she can count of them to be there for her and to always support her and have her back. Her parents are Gerry and Valery Gehring and she has 5 sibling who she says always help out and support her. She has lived in Idaho County her entire life. She has participated in FFA, BPA, HOSA, cross country, softball and basketball at school. Her past fair involvement includes attending the Fair. She hasn’t entered any events before this year. For work she has done private in-home care 2 ½ years, helps cook the Sunday breakfast at Keuterville Pub & Grub and now works for Sundance Services Home Care. She loves sports, swimming, baking/cooking and visiting with people. After high school she plans on attending Idaho State University for medical, OT or to be an orthopedic surgeon. Three life goals she has are to be happy, to have a family and to make a difference in the world through her job by helping people. She believes her strongest personal quality is her personality. She loves meeting new people and is outgoing. She always tries to be nice and to respect everyone. Most important to her in her life is her family. If it wasn’t for them she wouldn’t be here today. People make mistakes but your family is always there for you. Her father was raised here and does welding for Advancing Wellding in Grangeville. Her mother is from Nevada and works for Sundance. She says her parents are the nicest, funniest parents she knows. She could go on and on but there’s not enough paper in the world. She has lived in Idaho County since starting Kindergarten in 2006. She is involved with Church choir, HOSA, track, basketball, Rodeo Drill Team and serves as a church lector. Her past fair involvement includes 3 years of market swine projects. She works as a CHS Primeland Sales Associate and also does part-time babysitting and house cleaning. Hobbies include horseback riding, skiing, sports, family time and writing poetry. After high school she plans to attend college and obtain a degree in communications and/or public relations and hopes to become a writer. Three life goals include using her writing to inspire and/or motive other people, travel and explore the world, specifically Paris and Tahiti. Write a book and obtain her Master’s Degree in public relations and journalism. She believes her strongest personal quality is her ability to understand and push people forward. She says this is due to her experiences in life. She has overcome many hardships and remembered to keep going. Due to this she feels motivated to help people in need and remind them how amazing they are. Her friends and family are the most important to her in her life. Without them she wouldn’t be the person she is today. She wouldn’t have the abilities she has without their motivation. Her family is a full time log truck drive and has been a single parent for the last 7 years. She lost her mother to breast cancer in 2010. She has 3 older sisters, all of whom have full time jobs as well as being enrolled in college. She has lived in Idaho County all her life. |