to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Dear Editor:
We’ve all been swindled at some point by a fast talking salesman who
promoted a simple product or simple ideas. After we buy the product
there is a period of dissonance where we may experience dissatisfaction.
We remind ourselves that we shouldn’t have bought it in the first place--it
was “too good to be true.”
Turns out a lot of Americans, including many who live in Idaho County,
got snookered by a fiery salesman named Trump who promised things he couldn’t
deliver. And now comes the dissonance and his feeble excuses:
Being a businessman and outsider hasn’t helped much to change the bureaucracy
in Washington, DC, even with a majority in both houses.
The job is harder than he visualized.
The healthcare issue is more complicated than he thought.
The border wall is more expensive than he imagined and Mexico isn’t
paying for it.
The immigration issue is causing constitutional red flags.
His budget proposal would cut $38 billion in farm subsidies, which
would hurt farmers on the Camas Prairie.
His stance on abortion flip-flopped and might change again.
The Paris Climate Agreement left him isolated and alone.
The North Korean nuclear crisis remains unsolved and may have a disastrous
outcome. (You’ll care when the Camas Prairie is hit with missiles.)
The Russians didn’t turn out to be his best friends after all.
The task of passing legislation like tax reform or an infrastructure
bill won’t be easy, and would increase the $19.8 trillion national debt.
Was it naiveté, just plain ignorance, or trickery? Does
anyone still consider him their Savior? Or, like most unethical peddlers,
should he be run out of town?
Joan M. Kopczynski
Spokane, Washington
Redneck Review!
No. 119 - 7/31/2017
Maybe it seems, this article has been dealing too much with the question
of "peace," a condition the average individual really wants. That
and the desire for freedom that wasa driving force prompting many of our
ancestors to risk the long trip to the "New World."
And common sense says, the common condition found where there "is no
peace," is the natural tendency, seemingly inborn in us, of each of us
wanting to "do it our way."
It has been suggested here that a solution to the clash of people and
nations wanting it their own way is to agree upon or devise someway, an
accepted method of resolving conflicts without major disruptions with the
individuals or nations involved. The informed individual will admit there
is almost a death struggle going on today between the forces which claim
that the "mass man" theory of socialism or "the left" as it is often referred
to today, offers the best solution, as opposed to the more traditional
conviction that the answer lies in recognizing the power and the potential
of each individual. This last as has been claimed here repeatedly,
is the answer which common sense and history supports.
What it comes down to is the question one must answer concerning the
role of the single individual. Think about the answer one gets from the
"politically correct" today; individuals should be able to count
on the effort of the state or ruling elite guaranteeing an equal share
of the necessities of life, and the means for obtaining it. That
includes education, housing, health care, anything that is considered necessary
for a decent and equal living status. Join the Bernie Sanders and Hillary
Clinton bandwagon if you are a fan!
The opposing thinking, often ridiculed and attacked by the regular
media today, a high percentage of our college, university, and entrenched
political bureaucracy, is that each individual has the capacity and the
power to make a big impact on the society around him.(And today it is often
true that the impact is made instead by a "her)!
A good time to review an incident which appeared in RNR #8, back in
June of 2015, of an actual incident which occurred at Prairie High several
decades earlier. During the traditional "Powder Puff" games sponsored
each year, the "tug of war" involving a huge rope and the competing
classes seemed to be in a permanent stalemate. Neither side could
get the other to budge, until...a late arriving senior came upon the scene,
grabbed an end of the rope, and...contest over! Slowly the other side was
dragged reluctantly over the victory line!
A simple but true incident, which powerfully suggests the impact one
determined individual can have on a situation! True, it took
resolve and it took effort, but that one extra pull was the determining
factor in the victory that day. So it is claimed here that the same
thing is true today, and that the direction our nation takes in the next
years could very well come down to the determined effort by one additional
person on either side. On the traditional side, that one effort might be
PRAYER, or the special effort made by the people discussed here last time.
To get a convincing picture of the serious difficulties our nation
is experiencing today, read some of the following books, from your library
or a source like Amazon: Kirsten Powers – The Silencing; Kimberly
Strassels -The Intimidation Game; Katie Kieffer - Let Me be Clear;
John Ripley, USMC - A True American Knight; Dinesh D'Souza
- Stealing America; Dick Morris -
Power Grab, or Rogue Spooks; David Horowitz - Big Agenda; Glenn
Beck - Agenda 21.
(Note: All the above would not be considered "politically correct"
by the proper powers!)
Jake Wren |
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