from the 25th Raspberry Festival
Prioress Sr. Mary Foreman, back to camera, is about to give the runners a blessing prior to the start of the Fun Run. The start of the Fun Run. The blue mats at left are part of a timing system on loan from LCSC to get accurate times for everyone. Each runner had a chip on their shoe that registered when they finished. Some of the music at the Raspeberry Festival. A 4-piece banc made up of Monastery residents and a Choir. The Food Booth. It started the day serving breakfast then at 10 a.m. switched over to burgers and BBQ sandwiches. There was plenty to eat at the festival! Some of the breakfast crowd. The Raspberry Products booth which included Raspberry popcorn, jam and wine. Raspberry girls Olivia Klapprich and Jade Gehring. The booth selling surplus items from the museum and Monastery was a busy place. Entrants at the Raspberry Festival Show and Shine. The Raspberry Festival art show, which was held in the Spirit Center. People were asked to vote on their favorites. The last four photos are from the Kids Carnival area. |