Royalty profiled
The 2017 Idaho County Fair Royalty. Idaho County Free Press Davila is the 2017 Idaho County Fair Queen. She is the daughter of Helen and Dennis Rowland of Cottonwood and Adam and Nicole Davila of Lewiston, and the granddaughter of Lloyd and Judy Klapprich of Cottonwood. “The time I have spent with the two princesses have made this year amazing and I would encourage any other girl to try out because, even though it takes a lot of time, it is time well spent,” Davila added. A 2017 graduate of Prairie High School, Davila has six step-brothers and one step-sister. She also owns a 12-year-old blue roan Quarter Horse, Sampson. At school, she participated in basketball for two years and was active throughout her years in Prairie’s FFA program. She is also a youth group member at church and is employed by Cottonwood Livestock Auction and Cottonwood Veterinary Service. “My best experiences this year have occurred over the various parades we have attended,” she recalled. “Although we were quite nervous during our first parade, we have had more and more fun as time goes on. Whether it's making random jokes, baking in the sun, or playing imaginary baseball, anytime I spend with these girls becomes my new favorite memory.” In the fall, Davila plans to attend Washington State University to pursue a degree in pre-veterinary medicine. One of Davila’s “secrets” not known by just anyone? “I am a passionate book nerd. So much to the point that my dream house would have a ‘Beauty and the Beast’ library that has its own gigantic room,” she smiled. First Princess Chaye Uptmor Idaho County Free Press Uptmor is the Idaho County Fair First Princess for 2017. She is the daughter of Roger and Chris Uptmor and granddaughter of Ed and Teresa Uptmor, all ofKeuterville. She has two siblings, Chantel, 27, and Reid, 15. She graduated from Prairie High School in Cottonwood in May. At PHS, Uptmor has been involved in volleyball, basketball and track, as well as Prairie League and student leadership. She is an 11-year member of Keuterville Livestock 4-H Cluib, as well. “Each parade had its own funny or unforgettable moments, but I think my favorite moments are when the three of us and our moms go out to lunch after a parade,” Uptmor said. “We also get creative when we need to kill some time before a parade. One time in Kamiah we pretended to play baseball on the baseball field.” Uptmor has volunteered for parish dinners through her youth group, cleaned roadsides, visited the elderly, aided elementary school teachers, raked leaves and decorated homes for Christmas. In the fall she will run cross country and track at the College of Idaho and study health and human sciences and psychology. “I would like to thank our advisor, Karla Enneking, for all the work she does because she is amazing,” Uptmor said. “I would also like to thank Helen and Dennis Rowland, Elaine and Tom Sonnen, my parents, Selena, and Tiffany for all the memories and a great year.” Second Princess Tiffany Sonnen Idaho County Free Press Sonnen is the Idaho County Fair Second Princess 2017. She is the daughter of Tom and Elaine Sonnen of Greencreek, and has one brother, Richard, 28. Her grandmother is Joanne Sonnen, also of Greencreek. A graduate of Prairie High School’s class of 2017, Sonnen has participated in basketball, track, cheerleading and FFA. She has been employed at Millitec and The Hangout, and has volunteered with the Lewis Soil Conservation group’s sixth-grade field trip. Sonnen said one of her favorite experiences of the year was at the Orofino Lumberjack Days parade. “It was raining so hard and we were all just singing in the rain,” she laughed. In the fall, Sonnen plans to attend Lewis-Clark State College. One thing people may not know about Sonnen is she has gone through the process to become an organ donor. |