is this week
By the time you see this web update the Idaho County Fair is well underway. This year’s Fair Theme is “We’ve got a good thing growing at the Idaho County Fair.” The 4-H Dog and Rabbit Shows and Poultry Show were all held on Wednesday, August 16 as were the Pigtail Contest and the 4-H Fashion Show. On Thursday, August 17, the 4-H and FFA Fitting and Showing Livestock Contest will start at 8:30 a.m. and continue through the day. At 1 p.m. the Old-Time Fiddlers will be performing at the Gazebo. Instead of the 2-Minute Talent Show, Shiloh will be performing in the Arena building starting at 7 p.m. See below for a profile of Shiloh. On Friday, August 18, the 4-H and FFA Livestock Judging Contest starts at 8:30 a.m. followed by the 4-H and FFA Livestock Quality Judging which will start at 9:30 a.m. and continue throughout the day. At 1 p.m. the Championship 4-H Horse Fitting and Showing contest will be held. The 4-H Showmanship Robin Contest will be held at the conclusion of all livestock judging. From 4 to 7 p.m. the Prairie Booster Club will have their Potato Bar at the Cottonwood City Park Cabana. The Royalty Evening will start at 6:30 p.m. with introduction of the candidates followed by the Crowning of the 2018 Royalty. At 7 p.m. Vintage Youth will be performing at the Gazebo. Following the Royalty Crowning the annual 4-H Green Swing Dance sponsored by the 4-H Ambassadors will be held in the Agee Livestock Pavilion. Saturday’s action starts on Main Street in downtown Cottonwood with the Idaho County Fair Parade which is set to start at 10 a.m. Action moves back to the Fair Grounds with the 4-H Awards in the Agee Pavilion starting at noon. The Idaho/Lewis County Cattle Association’s Beef Barbecue will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near the Gazebo. The 4-H Market Livestock Sale starts at 1 p.m. in the Agee Livestock Pavilion. We understand the sale arena layout will be a little different this year. The exhibit buildings close at 3:30 p.m. and exhibit check-out will run from 4 to 6 p.m. Shiloh to perform Thursday at the Fair Idaho County Free Press Shiloh is a local country and western performer and has a performing career of more than a decade. She started as a second grader in her elementary school’s talent show and has since been involved in numerous fairs, cowboy gatherings, fund-raising benefits, and private parties. Shiloh has more than 200 songs in her repertoire ranging from classic country, and western, to a little bit of modern country and classic rock. Through music and performing, Shiloh has dedicated time to numerous fund-raising benefits such as Relay for life, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association and many food banks in her area. She has also had the honor of singing the National Anthem at many sporting events including the NAIA World Series and other venues. She has had the pleasure of opening shows for several big names including Taylor Hicks and Sawyer Brown. With more than 500 performances under her belt, Shiloh manages to balance life as a mother and wife while on the road and is supported and cheered on by her husband and son as well as the rest of her family. Within the last few years, she has recorded her second CD called “Going Nowhere,” and has been to Tennessee where she took home second place in the Mountain Soul vocal competition. More recently, she has been performing with a backup band “Shiloh and the Young Guns” to advance her career and add versatility to her shows. The Young Guns band members consist of Daniel Tate on the Lead guitar, Nick Wright on the drums and Kaitlin Geier singing harmonies. Shiloh and the Young Guns will perform at the Fair on Thursday evening at the Fair. They will fill the spot held by the “Two Minute Talent Show” the last few years. |