numbers for Pigtail Contest
A total of 57 Children and 3 adults participated in the Annual Pigtail Contest at the Idaho County Fair this year. Quite possibly the most ever to participate. Event winners and participants are as follows: Age Group 0-3 Longest-1stBlakey Forsman Daughter of Casey and Stephanie Forsmann age 3 Length13 ½inches. 2ndFaye Kennedy Daughter of Elaine Kennedy age 2 Length11 inches. 3rdBrylinStigum Daughter of Shandrie Stigum age 2 Length10 inches Shortest-1stSadie Mizer Daughter of Samatha Mizer age 3 Length2inches. 2ndKylee Bixby Daughter of Doug and Kim Bixby age 11months Length 3 inches . 3rdCharlee Key Daughter of Tabith and Bill Keyage 3 Length4 inches Widest-1stTessa Sonnen Daughter of Norm and Julie Sonnenage 3 Width 1 ½inches. 2ndBlakey Forsman Daughter of Casey and Stephanie Forsmann 2Width1 inches. 3rdEvelyn Tehaar Daughter of Molly and Andy Tehaar age 2 Width¾inches Additional Participants: Brylie Forsmann Daughter of Shawn and Bridget Forsmann age 3; Adelyn Brunson Daughter of Mcky Brunson age 2; Mya Meyers Daughter of Jeremy and Jessica Meyers age 2; Melody Scovel Daughter of Anna Scovel age 2; Gianna Prigge Daughter of Emily Prigge age 3; Hazel Terhaar Daughter of Molly and Andy Terhaar age 15 months; Elizabetn Long Daughter of Brandon and Kari Rose and Chris and Emily Long age 3; Ava Prigge Daughter of or Emily Prigge age 9 months Age Group 4-5 Longest-1stMaddison Ross Daughter of Kari and Brandonage 5 Length13inches.. 2ndShyann Meyers Daughter of Jeremy and Jessica Meyers age 4 Length11 ½inches Shortest-1stGloria Terhaar Daughter of Molly and Andy Terhaar age 5 Length6 ¼ inches. 2ndGrace Rehder Daughter of Rachel Rehderage 5 Length8 inches Widest-1stAlayna Jensen Daughter of Erica Jensenage 4 Width 1 ¾inches. TIE —2ndElla Enneking Daughter of Kenneth and Cassi Enneking Age 4 width ¾inches and 2ndLainey Mizer Daughter of Daniel Mizer Age 5 width ¾inches Age Group 6-8 Longest-1stKenly Forsmann Daughter of Stephanie and Casey Forsmann age 7 Length26inches. 2ndBethany Stowell Daughter of David and Dori Stowell age 7 Length17 inches. 3rdAvery Schacher Daughter of Mindy Schacher age7Length 16 ½inches Shortest-1stJeseePikus Daughter of Jared and Judy Pikusage 6 Length 4inches. 2ndWinnie Secrest Daughter of Jack and Haleen Secrest age 6 Length4 ¾inches. 3rdGacen Brunson Daughter of Becky Brunson age 7 Length 9 ½inches Widest-TIE -1stSophia Wright Daughter of Renee Wrightage 6 Width 2inches. 1stCharlotte French Daughter of Julie Mercerage 7 Width 2 inches. TIE- 2ndMackenzie Mizer Daughter of Samantha Mizer age 8 Width 1 ¾inches. 2ndAllie Rambo Daughter of Jason and Megan Rambo age 7 Width 1 ¾inches. 3rd Brynnley York Daughter of Heidi and Erick York age 6 Width 1 ½Inches. Additional Participation: Kaleah Smith daughter of Carrie Smith age 7 9 + /Adult Longest-1stGloria Williams length 34½inches.. 2ndLydia Graves Length 25 inches. 3rdDori Stonewell Length 23 ¾inches. Shortest-1stKelsee Wilson Length 9 inches.. 2ndTie at 10 inches: Allcia Blyth, Kaylee Graves. 3rd Olivia Grave 12 ½inches Widest-1stMegan Rambo width 2 ½ inches. 2ndMULTIPLE TIE - at a width of 2 inches: Jacey Rambo, Rachel Sonnen, Becky Brunson, Laurene Graves 3rdMULTIPLE TIE- at width of 1 ¾inches: Savanna Parrin, Lilly Miossman Most Unusual Under 9 -1stMaddison Ross Daughter of Kari and Brandon Ross Age 5 Over 9—1stGraceleyn Missman - with her Unicorn Hair Style. 2ndVivian French with her Troll Hair Style. 3rdAlleciaBryth with her Bunny Rabbit Hair Style The zero to 3 year old age group likely had more contestants than many past Pigtail Contests. 4 to 5 year old Pigtail Contestants. One young lady apparently did not want to be there. 6 to 8 year old contestants. The 9 and up contestants, which included a few adults. The 9 and over Most Unusual won by the unicorn in the middle. At left was bunny ears and at right was a troll. |