Board meets
Several items were approved at the August meeting of the school board Monday, August 21. The agreement with the preschool was approved with a raise in the daily rate. The bus fuel bid was approved. They approved The Tire Guy’s bid as the low bidder with the stipulation that they could still go to Primeland when accessibility is an issue at The Tire Guy. There were nao bids received for Bus 00-8 so no action was taken. The McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS) trip was approved for the 5th and 6th graders. It will take place Oct. 4-6. Heidi Ahlers’ resignation from the Center for Discovery was approved. Erin Shears was to be interviewing for a replacement on Tuesday. District and school handbooks were approved. The bus routes printed in last week’s Chronicle were approved. The elementary and junior/senior high schedules were approved. Child Internet Protection Act regulations were approved. Prior to the regular part of the meeting Ryan Hasselstrom and Teel Bruner made a pitch to look at getting new bleachers at the football field. They said that now we have a first class track it would be nice to have some quality bleachers, especially if you want to host track meets. Hasselstrom said it’s one thing to stand on the sidelines for a 2-hour football game as opposed to a 4 hour track meet. They have some ideas for fundraising, one of which is a ½ beef raffle, which would be done annually. Bruner said this would be done for this year anyway and if the bleacher project is not approved, the money would go into the football program. They will get this on the agenda for the September meeting. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann reported the summer projects are all completed. She also reported on the district’s back to school meeting which was held Monday. She said things went well and they took a break to watch the eclipse. Jon Rehder reported they had about 140 students register on August 9. The dual credit and athletic meetings both had great turnouts. He has changed up the breakfast so that all students have breakfast before class. In the handbook he added that no backpacks will be allowed in classrooms and to compensate he adjusted the bell schedule giving students a little extra time to get to their lockers. He’s also limiting cell phone use to lunchtime only. The meeting adjourned to an executive session for a couple of items at 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, September 18 at 7 p.m. |