events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth in Christ, It’s that time again! School bells are ringing, alarm clocks are being set, football lights are on, and the invitation to youth group is on! I am so excited to begin another school year filled with God and faith filled activities. If you are in Jr. High or High School this September invitation is for you. Please read through our upcoming activities and mark your calendars for the important times and dates. I can wait to see what God has in store for us this month! We will begin our month with our youth Adoration time at St. Mary’s on Sept. 1st from 10:00 p.m. too 11:00 p.m. I am challenging all of my Leadership camp and Steubenville youth to come and spend an hour with the Lord. It will be a great start to your school year. God always surprises us when we take time to visit with Him! On September 2nd and 3rd our Haiti youth will be talking at the Masses in response to the generosity put forward toward our envelope fundraiser. Thank you so much to all donated toward our trip, your stewardship will not be forgotten. On Sept. 5th the Leadership camp team will meet at Keuterville for Taco Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. We will also discuss our plans for the school year and check in with each other about our “Wrap” prayer cards. On Sept. 6th I would like to invite any and all adults interested in helping me this year to show up at the planning meeting at the OMG at 7:00 p.m. I really do need help in many different areas of this ministry and would love your presence at this meeting. I will be calling a few of you to personally invite. The Lord has been putting a few names on my heart so thank you in advance! Richard Lane will be doing another mission with us from the 11th through the 15th so I am not scheduling any youth group events this week. He did tell me however, that he does want to have one night specifically for the youth so I will see if he will do a Wednesday night. I encourage all of our Jr. High and High School youth to attend as many of these night as possible during the mission. Richard is a very gifted speaker and is able to touch the hearts of many people through his faith filled words, so grab your parents and join us for an amazing week! On September 18th the High School youth are invited to join me in a study on the Mass. This night will start with pizza at 6:30 and continue with the introduction to our study. If you find Mass boring and want to get more out of this beautiful celebration of our faith, this small group study is for you. I look forward to our time together and can’t wait to see what God has in store for us! Our Back to School Bash is scheduled for September 20th at St. Mary’s Church at 6:00 p.m.. The night will begin with a simple dinner, followed by games, smores and a movie. Everyone, young and old are invited to this great event! I especially want to invite our Jr. High and High School youth. This night is a perfect time to bring friends who may be interested in youth group. We always have fun, so bring your family and friends! On Sept. 23 we will begin our annual 30 Hour Fast to support Catholic Relief Services and World. Vision. Our day will begin at 10:00 a.m. at the Keuterville hall and will continue into the next day. All High School youth are invited to attend this event. The cost for the weekend is 35.00 which covers the cost of the supplies, juice, shirts, etc.. I will be handing out registration forms prior to the event so please make sure you get one or call the parish office. This retreat is one of my favorite, so please consider joining us as we fast to feed the hungry of the world. If parents would like to donate toward this cause please put your envelopes in the collection marked “30 hour Fast”.We will be needing breakfast casseroles for breakfast following the Fast so if your child is fasting we will be calling you. Thank you so much for your help and support in this life-giving event! On Sept. 27th the Jr. High will meet at the OMG for a “Life Issues” night. These nights will happen once a month and will deal with life issues our Jr. High youth face. The night will begin at 6:30 with food, followed by our study and end with social time. If you are in the 7th or 8th grade this night is for you! I can’t wait to see you! In Christ, Debbie Chicane |