bus drivers needed
The time has come to make everyone aware of our dire need for substitute bus drivers. At this current time we have 10 drivers available to drive our routes and activities. Six of these are route drivers, two of them are faculty at the high school, one is full-time employed elsewhere and one is retired. We have encountered some scheduling and availability issues already this school year and more to come if we don’t find substitute drives. For instance: Tuesday, Sept. 12 we used one bus and one driver to get our Varsity, JV and C volleyball teams to Kooskia for a league match and our Jr. High Girls Basketball team to Kamiah for their game. Another bus and drive left at a later time to bring our volleyball team home from Kooskia. All this happened because we did not have enough drivers available to cover routes and activities on that day. We are asking again for patrons to become substitute bus drivers. We need your help! Dave Shears will get you information on certification details and will get you trained. Please, we need you. We will work with your schedules. Dave Shears, Transportation Supervisor |