and ham dinner featured
A Brats and Ham dinner is on the menu for the upcoming Prairie Community Library fundraiser set for Saturday night, October 21. The main entree, tasty Sonnen Meats brats will be featured compliments of Sonnen Meats, along with ham, two varieties of potato salad sides, sauerkraut, lettuce salad, homemade dinner rolls, and cheesecake for dessert. A no-host social hour begins the evening at 5 pm, followed by dinner being served at 6 pm. Our chef will be Diane Schmidt. The evening continues with a wine raffle, silent and live auctions, live music and dancing, all for your pleasure and enjoyment. Tickets are available for the Prairie Community Library Brats and Brew at the Library, phone number 208-962-3714, and at the Cottonwood Community Credit Union. Advance ticket price is $25 per person, or $30 per person the evening of the event. Tables of eight may be reserved with purchase. |