Farm awarded as Century Farm
That historical fact and others were shared recently when the Baerlocher farm was recognized as an Idaho Century Farm through the Idaho State Historical Society and the Idaho Department of Agriculture. Established in 1990, the Century Farm program recognizes the importance of Idaho’s farming pioneers by designating farms or ranches that have been in the same family for at least 100 years, and that include 40 acres or more of the original land parcel. The Baerlocher farm is the twenty-seventh Century Farm in Idaho County, which is among 400 currently recognized in the State of Idaho. Bernard was born in Switzerland in 1872 and in 1881, moved to the Midwest where he had businesses that burned, prompting a move to Idaho. He married Catherine Nuxoll in 1909 and had 12 children, one of whom, Norbert, purchased the farm in 1967. In 1999, Norbert’s son, Joe, and wife, Arlene, purchased the farm that now produces crops of wheat, canola, barley, peas, garbanzo beans as well as cattle. Joe and Arlene’s son, Steven, is also engaged in the farming operation. “We’re privileged to be able to still work this ‘good black dirt,’ said Joe. “I wonder what my grandpa would have thought of our GPS-guided combines and other farming practices of today.” Family gathering for the celebration included (pictured): Dale, Joe, Arlene, Matt, Greg, Aly and Richard Baerlocher. Pictured with the Idaho Century Farm award at the Joe Baerlocher farm are from left Dale, Joe, Arlene, Matt, Greg, Aly and Richard Baerlocher. Arlene is holding a photo of sons Steven and Dan. Greg is holding a photo of grandparents Bernard and Catherine Baerlocher while Richard is holding a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Baerlocher. Photo by Judy DeHaas. |