Procession Oct. 14
This year is the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Mary appearing
to 3 children at Fatima, Portugal. A group of people from the parish would
like to commemorate this event by having a rosary procession in the streets
in Cottonwood. It will take place at 12:00 noon on Saturday, October 14,
2017 and will last about 1 hour. We will pray the rosary in St. Mary’s
Church for those who do not want to walk, while the rest of the people
will be praying the rosary while walking around the streets. We will proceed
down Lewiston St. and cross over by the Tire Guy gas station to King St.
and come back up to the church. There we will have songs and prayers. Anyone
is welcome to join us. For more information or if you wish to help contact
Donna Wassmuth at208-962-3561 or Max Nuxoll at
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