to QRUs
Near the end of September, the Employee Engagement Committee Fund (EECF), of St. Mary’s Hospital & Clinics, was able to donate $2,500 each to the Winchester and Craigmont Quick Response Units. Receiving the funds for Winchester were LeAnn Trautman and Rosemary McLeod. Receiving the funds for Craigmont was Kay Osborn. The EECF raises money through vending machine sales in the hospital cafeteria. Other worthy causes receiving funds this month were the HUG fund (assists employees in need), YWCA in Grangeville (The Purse Auction) and the Kamiah Loan Closet (medical equipment and other items available for borrowing). Thank you to the employees, and visitors, of St. Mary’s Hospital & Clinics for supporting the EECF. Receiving donation checks from the St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics Employee Engagement Committee Fund were the Quick Response Units in western Lewis County. Above left is Kay Osborn of the Craigmont QRU and above right are LeAnn Trautman and Rosemary McLeod of the Winchester QRU. |