Schumacher resigns
Cottonwood Mayor Shelli Schumacher turned in her letter of resignation and it was accepted at the October meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Tuesday, Oct. 10. According to city attorney Joe Wright, she effectively resigned once she moved out of town. No action was taken on appointment of a new mayor. Council president Ron Grant presided over the meeting. Tiffany Forsmann was in attendance for the Cottonwood Senior Citizen Meal Site. She said they are looking at breaking away from Grangeville’s program. They were looking at the City of Cottonwood being their fiscal agent. Action was tabled as the issue will be researched further. Gabriel Riener was also in attendance looking into sewer and water service for 4 lots he purchased that are platted as part of the city but are on the east side of Highway 95. Sewer would be prohibitive as they would have to put a new line in from those lots all the way to the sewer ponds. A septic tank system seems to be the best option. Water might be available if there is a conduit under the highway. If not, either get a conduit drilled under the highway or go with a well. Unfortunately, according to ordinance, he would still need to pay hook-up fees. The other option would be to look into de-annexation. A fire protection aid agreement with NICI was approved with minor changes from the old one. This one was approved for 5 years, instead of 10 like the previous agreement. Employee salary increases built into the new fiscal year budget were approved. With Schumacher resigning, a banking resolution was passed with City Clerk Carol Altman and councilors Ron Grant and Jack Duman approved as check signers. Three are needed with 2 signatures required on checks. In the reports, they had only a 3.4% loss of water on 6.9 million gallons pumped in September. Ron Grant reported the Fire Department had just 2 calls. One was an in town electrical fire that didn’t amount to much and the other was an ambulance assist. Grant also reported the sewer lagoon testing is done and now they are just waiting approval from the State DEQ. A Generator Match Resolution was approved. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. |