to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 133 - 11/6/17
Years of teaching long ago taught me that there comes a time to review,
then move on or risk bogging down and losing whatever interest might have
been there from the start! This is the intention here, to review and conclude
arguments made here in the past!
First, let’s agree that relying on predictions or prophecies made months
or years or even centuries ago may or may not give a person reliable information
about the future and what it holds for us! Maybe "death and taxes"
is the only future we can reliably predict!
To begin, lets us ask what common sense tells us about any situation
in which a certain percentage of a group works hard, taking care of themselves
and the tasks assigned, while a significant number sit back, enjoying the
fruits of the those who work, but do very little to contribute themselves.
A football team is a good group to think about here! Is it not true that
everyone there must be counted on to work hard and take care of the tasks
assigned if the team is going to enjoy any success? Even one slacker can
spell defeat!
Can it be any different in an economy which must produce the goods
and services which are needed by all? Does it not make sense that
a significant number of "takers" choosing to live off of the efforts of
the "doers" not pose a serious problem of survival for all? And really,
is not the huge expenditures of our national government which has accumulated
over twenty trillion in debt not tell us that all is not well with our
U.S. economy today? Can we really be comfortable continuing
to spend billions at the national lever that we do not have, and not expect
it somehow to pose an impossible problem to solve for future generations?
And have we not enough information from the past that tells us this
cannot go on... and on...and on... as some "experts" would have us believe?
We have cited at length here what Davy Crockett learned from his voter
friend Mr. Bunce, that government handouts taken by taxing the "doers,"
or producers, then given at random to anyone in a need of some kind, is
not "charity" at all, but a violation of the trust voters put in the people
they choose to represent them! Is it not true that it is "Not theirs to
And was not Frederik Bastiat telling us something obvious in his book
THE LAW, when he called the random giving of tax dollars from the earners
to selected recipients not just a type of theft which he chose to call
LEGAL PLUNDER, legal only because government was doing it? And did
not he and Congressman Crockett both not predict that nations doing this
eventually would be forced into unsustainable debt and bankruptcy
and collapse?
And what do we think about professor Alexander Tyler's claim that all
democracies have a life expectancy of about 250 years before voter demands
force the government into debt and bankruptcy? Past RNR's have detailed
the steps he claimed would lead to this final end!
Does not the current state of poverty and near revolution in Venezuela
developing under their current socialist system with its government policy
of "equal shares for all" not send a clear message that those systems never
work? Is not the past failure of the same system in Cuba, and Russia
and other countries around the world not a lesson much the same?
And why do
we so casually ignore the history of our own United States and the
remarkable progress made in the past, and the free enterprise system which
triggered that progress! In other words, will we as a nation learn
from the past in order to forestall the disaster which threatens our future?
Jake Wren |
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