Things Are True
by Dan Coburn Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church pastordan@mtida.net As we approach what we have come to call the Holiday season, I am reminded of the fact that this is the time of year when suicides take a spike. What? That’s right. While most of us look forward to happy times with family and friends, there is a segment of the population that is dreading the Holidays. Even the mention of them can cause some to have feelings of hurt, abandonment, resentment, and loneliness. These come in varying combinations and intensities, but they always result in Hopelessness. Before you start shaking your head, thinking I am referring to a relatively small group of “losers”, think again. You either have gone rounds with depression, you are, or you will. People don’t generally just wake up one morning Depressed, so can knowing how we got there help us get out and then avoid going there again? Where should I go to receive the help I need? How do I treat it? The world will tell you to use drug therapy. There are even commercials on television promoting a cute little pill. They don’t tell you what the pill is for, but only that it will make you better, so you should call your doctor and ask him if you are a good candidate for the cute little pill. Evidently, this kind of advertizing is working for them cause you see it all the time. (Note: sometimes this does help people. There really is an identified chemical problem in chronically depressed people, but no one knows for sure if it brought on the depression or is as a result of it.) Let’s look at it this way. If your “check engine” light comes on in your car, you can A) disconnect the light, or B) fix the problem. Drugs generally speaking, just disconnect the light. Let’s turn the Spiritual Switch. Romans 15:4 tells us “FOR WHATSOEVER THINGS WERE WRITTEN AFORETIME WERE WRITTEN FOR OUR LEARNING, THAT WE THROUGH PATIENCE AND COMFORT OF THE SCRIPTURES MIGHT HAVE HOPE.” Vs 13 says: “NOW THE GOD OF HOPE FILL YOU WITH ALL JOY AND PEACE IN BELIEVING, THAT YE MAY ABOUND IN HOPE, THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST.” You see, God is the source of Hope. The dispenser of Hope if you will. Biblically speaking, there is no Hope apart from Him. He has a monopoly on it. Here’s the Great News. He wants to share it with you. Does He understand what you are going through, or have gone through? “He was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. He was despised of His own”. Depression begins with Unbiblical Thinking Patterns, endures Unpleasant Circumstances, manifests itself in Anger, and if not dealt with, ends in hopelessness. If you are glancing through this and the whole topic seems vague and remote to you, then Praise God. But if you are one of those who feel hurt and anger welling up within you in any degree, then please seek help. And remember, God is the author of Hope. Everyone else, invite someone besides family to your Thanksgiving table. You will be blessed. By the way, there is a Thanksgiving Dinner (the 17th) at the Baptist Church at 6 PM. All are welcome. |