Board meets
The school board held their regular November meeting Monday, Nov. 19 and discussed their website compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Apparently there is a woman in Minnesota with disabled children who is randomly picking school districts around the country and suing them for their website compliance. The local district will be working with the state to bring their site within compliance. This information came out at a workshop attended by a couple of the board members at the Idaho School Board Association convention. In other business Jenny Arnzen was named as the Jr. High assistant track coach. She had been a volunteer coach for the team the past couple of years. Gavin Branson was named as the JV boys basketball coach. Yes, he is the Gavin Branson who was on the team this past season and graduated in the spring. Jon Rehder reported so far it has been working well. Tim Sheffler was named as co-coach of the boys 8th grade basketball team along with Todd Nygaard. Nygaard has some commitments that take him away from the team and Sheffler has been stepping in. The strategic plan was discussed and approved. It is to be posted on the school website. In other discussion about ISBA seminars, social media came up with some guidelines expressed. New policy updates were approved. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said going with the ISBA automatic updates really helps keep the district current. In the facility update Forsmann reported the old elementary abatement should start Nov. 27. The key fob system is about completely installed. The auxiliary gym is finished and they are working on the elementary gym. The new heating system in the high school gym seems to be working well. She’s had several comments that it’s more comfortable. In the future they want to look into getting the heating system updated at the high school and doing away with the boiler. In administrative reports Forsmann reported they had a 95% turnout of parents for parent-teacher conferences. In her superintendent’s report she said she has contacted an appraiser out of Lewiston for the old Elementary. Cost would be $7500 and they want to wait until the abatement is done. A new grant is being worked on to fund the Center for Discovery. It is due in January. Funding for career and technical education is being looked at by the state. They may not get funded in the future. A calendar committee met before the board meeting and they should have a 2018-19 school calendar ready for submittal at the December meeting. Lynn Rehder and Cara Duman wrote a grant to receive a new mixer for the high school. They are also looking at some funding through the University of Wyoming that would purchase two new stoves, one for each school. Jon Rehder reported Prairie Jr./Sr. High placed 2nd in the Idaho Lottery Scratch for Schools, winning $398 on 750 scratch tickets. Parent-teacher conferences had a decent turnout of about 15-20%. Board member Tara Klapprich commented the format they use leads to a lot of waiting in line. The Knowledge Bowl team has been doing well, taking 1st at the C.V. meet on Nov. 6. Prairie will host next Monday, Nov. 27. The Jr./Sr. High School Band concert was moved from its original date to Monday, Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. Juniors and seniors attended a college day at the U of I on Nov. 7. The dual credit chemistry class visited LCSC on Nov. 9 to conduct labs on campus. 28 students attended with Mrs. Duclos. The football banquet has been set for Wednesday, Nov. 29 at the Cottonwood Community Hall. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, Dec. 18 at 5:30 p.m. |