to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 136 - 11/27/2017
In our last two reviews, two questions have been posed concerning the
forces which are at work in our world today. The first question concerned
the groups which seem to have the most impact on our country and the world
around us. It was contended here that three easily identified groups
are involved, Christianity, Marxism, and Islam. It was also argued that
LOVE is the driving force of the first, that CONFLICT lies at the heart
of Marxism, and JIHAD and FORCE are critically important in the religion
of Islam.
The second claim made was that MARXISM provides the answer for the
news items we see virtually every day in our newspapers, on TV, and in
the many radio programs that deal with current events. Every day
we hear of mass shootings, riots, screaming crowds spewing their hatred
of people who hold a different point of view. Guest speakers are shouted
off of the stages they are invited to use, or even threatened with physical
harm in some instances!
So, it might be asked: What lies behind this obvious rise in hatred
and intolerance which has become so prevalent in our country today?
As briefly suggested in Review 135, the answer can best be found in the
teachings of Karl Marx and held by many of his followers. The most basic
of their beliefs is ATHEISM, the denial of a God of any kind as held by
other religions. Of near equal importance is their claim that CONFLICT
is the driving force causing history to move onward and upward. This
conflict Marx claimed is obvious even in matter itself, as can be noticed
in the opposing forces inside of every atom, and definitely at work in
the relationship between owner and worker. Marx called it Dialectical
Materialism. or "Conflict in Matter." This conflict he argued, is inevitable,
pitting the owners of property against the workers who are used by owners
for their own enrichment. Eventually, ownership will be diluted and
eventually "wither" away in an evolutionary process that will eliminate
all ownership and thus all conflict, resulting in a utopia on earth where
all will live in peace and share and share alike!
Some facts supporting the claim that Marxism is behind the rise in
hatred and intolerance!
First: Marxism is atheism, their first and most basic belief.
Therefore, all religions which claim a belief in God, and especially the
Christian religion professing a belief in Christ, the claimed son of God,
are mortal enemies of Marxism. Their goal... destroy Christianity!
Are they being successful? A careful study of the history of
religion in the United States tells us that our basic religion, Christianity,
has declined significantly in the last 75 to 100 years. From the
national figure of 95% of all Americans who professed to be Christian around
1950, polls show today that the figure has dropped to approximately 70%
more or less, while the number who claim to be atheists, agnostics, or
similar non-believers, has risen from nearly zero in the early nineteen
hundreds when Communism/Marxism was born to around 20% or so today.
And the study also suggests that the process is picking up, as the number
of Christians here has declined around10% since 2000, falling from about
80% to 70% while non-believers in our country have grown around 6% during
the same period to the 20% figure mentioned above.
A second important fact. Marxism/atheism promotes CONFLICT!
In fact it calls for it! For they believe that the conflict associated
with the battle over ownership is the force which moves the human race
closer and closer to the socialist goal of equal sharing of everything.
Ownership of property and the means of production must be taken away from
private individuals, and turned over to the state, which will provide the
total equality which all true socialists dream of!
Thus, if you are seeking an answer to the hatred, the chaos, the conflict
which dominates news today, the claim here is that you need look no further!
Atheism/communism/socialism is the key!
Jake Wren |
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