Elementary cleanup to get underway soon
The Cottonwood School District is preparing the Elementary School for potential sale and subsequent redevelopment. As part of that preparation, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is providing funding through their Brownfields Program to address asbestos building materials in the school. The Brownfields program focuses on supporting the assessment and cleanup of underutilized properties to support redevelopment and reuse. DEQ completed an assessment in 2013 confirming asbestos containing building materials that included insulation, floor tile mastics, etc. DEQ contractors will support the safe removal and disposal of the identified asbestos building materials. Crews will spend approximately two weeks setting up the proper protocols, removing the internal building materials that contain asbestos, and transporting the materials to a disposal facility. The goal of the Brownfields program is to address the environmental challenges to support and facilitate the redevelopment and/or reuse of properties like the Elementary School. With the asbestos materials properly removed, the cost of future reuse and redevelopment is reduced providing an incentive for potential buyers. For more information please contact Steve Gill with Idaho DEQ at 208-666-4632 or Cell 208-215-5986 steve.gill@idaho.deq.gov.