Conference set for Jan. 9
The fourteenth annual Three Rivers Grazing Conference will be held on Tuesday, January 9th at the Williams Conference Center on the campus of Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston. The conference begins at 8:00 a.m. with a trade show featuring pasture and range equipment and supplies. At 9:00 a.m. the presentations will begin. The morning session will begin witha presentation on Grazing to Reduce Fire Hazard and Grazing Management after a Fire by Kip Hudson with Washington State University Extension. Jim Sprinkle, University of Idaho Extension Beef Specialist, will give a presentation on Trace Mineral Status of Range and Pasture Forages. The morning session will conclude with a presentation on Competitive Grass Species for Dryland Grazing given by Steve Fransen with Washington State University Extension. The afternoon session will start with a presentation on Nutrition Balancer Information for Forage Grazing presented by Bendan Brazee, with the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The popular Producer’s Perspective panel will also be held again this year during the afternoon session with John and Betty Mobbs from the Lazy JM Ranch talking about their Grass Fed Beef Program. Josh Jones will also be on the panel discussing his experiences with grazing cover crops to enhance cereal crop production. Everyone is invited to attend the conference. Cost of the conference is $15 if you pre-register by December 29th. Cost at the door is $20. Registration includes lunch which will be served at noon. Please call the Idaho County NRCS office at 208-983-1046 to register. The Three Rivers Grazing Conference is being sponsored by the University of Idaho Extension System; Idaho Association of Conservation Districts, Division 2; Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Idaho State Soil Conservation Commission. |