Cottonwood City Council members, mayor take over
The Cottonwood City Council met in a special session Thursday, Jan. 11 due to a lack of a quorum for their regular meeting Jan. 8. Outgoing council president Ron Grant opened the meeting with the minutes and expenditures approved. City Clerk Carol Altman then swore in new mayor Pepper Harman and new councilors Daniel Sigler and Lynn Guyer. Appreciation plaques were presented to Ron Grant for his 10 years of service to the city and to Linda Nida for her 2 years of service. Jack Duman was elected council president. He would run meetings if the mayor is absent. Doug Ulmer of the Idaho County Sheriff’s Dept. gave his monthly report. Scott Linja of Keller Associates and Gavin Lewis of IdaLew Economic Development each introduced themselves to the Council. In the reports Pat Holthaus reported there was an 8% loss of water over the past month. Roy Uhlenkott reported there were 3 fire calls this past month. 1 was a dumpster fire, another was an ambulance assist and the third was a pickup fire near the Hall. New mayor Pepper Harman made his appointments. Holthaus was reappointed as water commissioner. Duman was reappointed as streets commissioner and also appointed as airport commissioner. Guyer was appointed as sewer commissioner. Sigler was appointed as fire commissioner and as land and buildings commissioner. Harman appointed himself as police commissioner. Guyer was also appointed as the IdaLew representative while Duman was appointed as CEDA representative. Clint Riener was reappointed as airport manager. Resolution 2018-1 was read and approved regarding check signers while 2018-2 was read and approved regarding credit cards. Liquor licenses were approved with everyone who needs one in Cottonwood having submitted their applications. A rental agreement was approved for Prairie Mountain Nutrition. This is the senior citizen lunch program. Terry Cochran reported on the problems with the police department pickup. The Council decided to research this further. Use of the city truck by the Grangeville Airport was approved at a lease rate of $200 per month through the end of April. Use of the city dozer by Fenn Highway District was also approved. The council adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. |