Pesticide Applicator Training and Testing in Lewis County
University of Idaho Extension presents “Prairie Private Applicator Training and Testing” in Nezperce on February 28th and March 1st. Testing will be on March 2nd.This course is offered locally in Lewis County for area farmers, ranchers and fieldmen every other year. The training program begins at 9:00 am at the Community Room in the Nezperce Library on February 28th and March 1st. The classes will run until about noon. Those wishing to obtain a private applicator license should attend the sessions and study for the test which is offered on Friday, March 2nd. Pesticide applicator topics covered include recordkeeping, formulation, labels and safety, the fate of pesticides, weed control, and basic equipment calibration. The class will be taught by area Extension Educators. There is no charge to participate. If you want to take a test on March 2nd, please call the Lewis County Extension Office at 208-937-2311 to reserve your spot. All testing categories will be offered but you do need to register for those. These classes are brought to you by University of Idaho Extension, a cooperative effort of the University of Idaho, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Idaho counties. To enrich education through diversity, the University of Idaho is an equal opportunity /affirmative action employer and educational institution. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, those individuals requesting special accommodations should contact Ken Hart at 208-937-2311 by February 26th. WANTED!!! Farm Families Serious About Moving to the Next Generation!! University of Idaho Extension presents “Keeping the Legacy Alive: Working Together for a Better Future” beginning March 20th in Lewiston. This is the last time this award-winning and important workshop for area farmers and ranchers will be offered. University of Idaho Extension, in cooperation with the Idaho Barley Commission and the Western Center for Risk Management Education, presents “Keeping the Legacy Alive: Working Together for a Better Future.” It has been estimated that only about 36% and 18% of farmers have an estate plan or succession plan, respectively. The USDA reports that less than 1% of farm businesses survive intact to the third generation. These statistics are alarmingly low considering the size of the assets at stake and even more so the difficulty of successfully moving the farm or ranch into the next generation. Taking this class could help your farm or ranch begin to remedy that situation. This could be one of your most important actions for2018! “Keeping the Legacy Alive” will be offered in Lewiston on March 20, 23, and 28. Dave Specht, Certified Financial Planner and owner of The Family Businessman, is a nationally known consultant and planner. Dave and his wife and partner, Taneil, are co-authors of a book titled “The Family Business Whisperer.” Taneil will lead a workshop on Generational Family Business, assisted by Dave. Pete Volk, Attorney-at-Law, a popular speaker from the first “Keeping the Legacy Alive” series, is back to talk about business structures and legal strategies for success. Ken Hart, Kathee Tifft, and Karen Richel, all University of Idaho Extension Educators, along with Josh Huff, NW Farm Credit, will cover financing, retirement, financial planning, generational communication and management transfer. Farmers, ranchers and their families will be encouraged and will build skills to start to improve their farm business transition plans. IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT MOVING YOUR FARM FORWARD INTO THE NEXT GENERATION INTACT AS A THRIVING BUSINESS, THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU! The workshop is funded by a grant from the Western Center for Risk Management Education/USDA/NIFA, in cooperation with the Idaho Barley Commission. This makes it possible for us to offer the entire series for $40 per person. This fee covers all materials (including a copy of the Specht’s book), snacks, and one dinner. Families and multiple generations are definitely encouraged to attend. To register for the workshop or request more information, please call the Lewis County Extension Office at 208-937-2311, or email Ken Hart at Pre-registration for “Keeping the Legacy Alive” class is required as seating is limited to 40 participants. Registration needs to be completed by March 14th. Participants in the past workshops are enthusiastic about the content and presentation of materials and the help provided to move them forward in this important area. These classes are brought to you by University of Idaho Extension, a cooperative effort of the University of Idaho, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Idaho counties. To enrich education through diversity, the University of Idaho is an equal opportunity /affirmative action employer and educational institution. |