Jace Perrin, far left, after receiving his fifth place
medal at the State wrestling Meet. Photo by Tina Perrin. See article below
left. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Spencer Schumacher goes for a lay-up in the State
Play-In game at Wallace. The Pirates won the game 65-48 and will play in
the state tournament this weekend in Caldwell and Nampa. Also shown is
Devin Ross. See article at left state information and bracket. Game stories
and more photos below left. Click on the photo for a larger view.
The Prairie band played at the 2nd place game vs.
Potlatch at District with help from a PHS graduate on the drums. Click
on the photo for a larger view.
The Summit Academy Kindergarten class invited the
Senior class to lunch last week. The Kindergartners enjoyed
meeting and visiting with the biggest kids at the school who they don't
typically see during the school day. Sometimes the big kids are pretty
intimidating, and the lunch allowed them a fun time to get to know each
other. Pictured from left are: Audra Spencer, Lauren Stubbers, Gretel Frei,
Maddie Stubbers, Lucy Osborne, Nora Johnson, Nicole Gehring, Vy Truong,
Kolby Nuxoll and Frank Lovetere. Photo provided by Summit Academy. Click
on the photo for a larger view.
Prairie students wound up in the end zone seats during
the District championship game when Lapwai’s students took over the front
rows of the Prairie section. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)
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