Large crowd attends Lincoln Day dinner
A very large crowd attended the Lincoln Day Dinner held at the Greencreek Hall on Friday the 9th  sponsored By the Lewis & Idaho Counties Republican Central Committees.
Candidates attending were Russ Fulcher, David LeRoy, Luke Malek & Christy Perry who are vying for U.S. Congress; State Controller Brandon Woolf, State Treasurer Vicky McIntire and State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jeff Dillon
Raul Labrador, candidate for Governor was present along with a representative for Brad Little, Lisa Marie.
A Forum was held for Lieutenant Governor candidates attending. They were Janice McGeachin, Marv  Hagedorn, Bob Nonini,
Dist. 6  candidates Senator Dan Johnson, Representative  6A Thyra Stevenson  and 6B Mike Kingsley  and  Dist.  7 candidates Senator Carl Crabtree, Representative  7A Priscilla Giddings  and  7B Paul Shephard  & Phil Hart  were all in attendance.   
Idaho County Commissioners Skip Brandt Mark Frei Dennis Duman  and Lewis County Commissioners Mike Ponozzo, Greg Johnson, and Justin McLeod also attended.
 Also attending were Idaho State Chairman Jonathan Parker,  Region II Chair  Marge Arnzen, Dist. 6 Chair. Clinton Daniels, Dist. 7 Chair. Cornel Rasor, Lewis Co. Chair Becky Crea,  and representatives for Senators Mike Crapo and James Risch.
A Silent Auction was held as well as a 50 -50 drawing and door prizes.
Thanks to M C James Rockwell, our Sponsors, Auction donors & Caterer Nancy Arnzen for their help making our dinner so successful

The Lincoln Day Dinner at the Greencreek Hall was well attended last Friday, March 9. Photo provided by Rebecca Crea.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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