Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Letter the Editor
The only consistent conservative candidate running for the office of governor of Idaho is Raul Labrador.  He is the only one to be a proven leader in protecting the unborn.  He has shown courage in standing up to the political elites and fights for what we believe in.  You can trust Raul to protect our 2nd amendment rights and fight for our state.  Also remember he stands with President Trump and makes tough choices when others won’t.  Vote Raul Labrador for Governor May 15th
Marge Arnzen

To the Editor
When I was a young man a wonderful lady, Marty, challenged me on my views of the world. I was not offended by her challenge. I was secure that I was right and she was wrong and I set out to prove just that. After two weeks of investigation I had to come back and admit I was wrong. If I was going to be honest, I had to accept the facts before me, and the truths they revealed. 
So I now challenge our young men and woman to do their own research; maybe I can help just a little as Marty help me with a few salient points.
We seem to want to blame the National Rifle Association, (NRA) for mass shootings. Why? I challenge you to research the history of the NRA and its mission. 
Look at the historical records of Marxism, Socialism and Nazism and examine the rise to power of its leaders, (Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez), what did their policies propose and what was the outcome of their actions. Now ask yourself if you see any similarities to what is taking place in America today.
Research our Founders debates and how they arrived at their conclusions for the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.
There are two sides to an argument but only one reveals the objective truth. Facts and questions that challenge our ideas can only offend us if we are not secure in presence of the realities before us.
Jim Chmelik

To the Editor,

Labrador to Defend Traditional Idaho Values
Our government has become such a mess, even here in Idaho. Liberal Boise and other counties have striven to guide us away from the values that have made our country strong. We need strong, conservative candidates that support the Founding Fathers that made our country great. There is no freedom without the liberty provided us by our Constitution.
Raul Labrador has been a consistent defender of conservative values. His record has been outstanding in promoting family and religious values. He believes and promotes what is best for Idaho, not for personal gain. He supports the Second Amendment, wishes to end taxpayer funding of abortions (murder) and plans to stop government property seizures to name a few.  Other candidates may be running on the Republican, conservative ticket, but are truly "Rhino's". 
Raul Labrador is the only man for Idaho's Governor!!!!
Sally Baker, Kamiah

Redneck Review!
No. 153 - 3/26/2018
Folks, Its GAME TIME!  I can still hear this comment made by an old student of mine I will simply identify here as "Rod!"  Rod has been the District 2 basketball tourney announcer aslong as I can remember!  All who have heard him know he always does an excellent job!
Yes, it definitely is GAME TIME!  Right now we are closing in on the MAD March rush to the FINAL FOUR, and many in this area were a bit sad over the loss Gonzaga endured during their battle for a spot in the ELITE EIGHT! And in just a few days, all 68 teams except one which started this national tourney will end their struggles with a loss. Only one will go home with a win in their last game!  That win will be their sixth straight, that being the number of wins that makes that team the best for the year!  Of course, there are many other tourneys going on, involving women and schools of different size and talent!
Yes, this time of year is GAME TIME!  But most of us will admit that it is also game time for more important struggles!  In fact it is claimed here that two very different game times are going on in the lives of all of us.  The first is the one involving each of us and each individual living today.  And the second would involve our country itself.  In each case, there are many important struggles going on which will result in favorable or unfavorable results!
First, the individual! Is it not true that it is GAME TIME for each and all of us? The choice? Is it not very clear?  We can choose to "do it our way" in our every day lives, or we can resolve to live by a code of conduct like that given by our Lord Jesus whose historical crucifixion and subsequent resurrection we celebrate this week. A personal conduct based on love, love of the God who created us, His Son who redeemed us, His Commandments He gave us, and of the neighbors He gave us!  For those who might do this, would their own personal game of life not end on a more positive note? One might even call it a winning one?  And is it not true and very obvious, that those who choose to go the other route, to insist always on "doing it their way" are inevitably going to clash hard with others living the same philosophy? Conflict is the result, with all the consequences we see in the news daily...murders, muggings, theft, divorce, abuse, all leading to misery in this life, and disaster in this life and possibly in the next!
Yes, it is GAME TIME for each of us, and how we live will determine the final outcome!
But the claim here is that it is GAME TIME for our country also!  The recent adoption by our national government of our coming fiscal year budget is bad news for any thinking individual! We are told that our government is going to spend one and a third TRILLION dollars in the next year!  That is the 2200 page budget recently adopted!  And all who have kept up with the past know that spending always exceeds the beginning budget!  Doubters simply can do a bit of research and note how the actual figure spent each year exceeds the original budget. Also, we recently have  witnessed the constant need each year to raise the legal debt limit and the struggle government has with the threat of constant shut downs because of lack of money! Wow! A trillion and a third! Do we realize it takes 1000 billions to make a trillion?
And it should be most irritating to note that we citizens are faced daily with a dollar which slowly is losing more value, as costs continue to creep up and value and quantity continues to decline! Yet government continues to demand more each year, and cannot make the necessary cuts or reductions which would help keep us solvent.  Most irritating to me is that tax dollars are going still to Planned Parenthood with its record of sponsoring and performing abortions!  So, it must be asked:  Can we continue to survive as a nation without getting this fiscal game under control?
Is the national GAME TIME we are involved in going to end with a win or a total disaster?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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