Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor,
Growing up in a family with a Dad and two Grandfathers who were doctors it was always my perception that a Doctor was at the service of his patient. And for the welfare and good of that patient he was on call 24 hours a day. The focus was always the person and their needs. In my grandfather’s case payment was often in barter – a nice chicken or home cured ham ready for the pot. In my Dad’s case it was a standing order to Themla, his nurse, to send one bill, no more. “They’ll send something if and when they can.”
Today it seems the focus has changed from the patient to the dollar. We the patient have become a number. Instead of our needs, our insurance and ability to pay are the focus. Now an impersonal bureaucratic machine like Essentia Health dictates the time and kind of care a doctor is to give a patient. It’s now quantity, not quality – dollars not care – not the needs of the individual.
So it is with deep sorrow, concern and anger that I see our Hospital Administration demanded the termination of one of our finest doctors, Doctor Andy Jones. Why??? Because he’s not a “team Essentia player?” Because he is ready to take care of our surgical needs day or night 24-7? Because his First concern has always been the patient not the payment? How do we simply allow the whims of Essentia Health and our Hospital Administrators to rob us of the faithful care and concern Dr. Andy has given us for 29 years?
“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.” Henry David Thoreau.
“Some choices do not come with the opportunity to be undone.” Author Unknown.
Cherie Seubert McDonough

To the Editor:
It was with both shock and dismay that I felt upon learning of the dismissal of Doctor Jones from the staff at St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinic. A doctor who epitomizes the best in patient treatment and care; the objectives that were the mainstay of both my father-in-law Dr. Dick Orr and great father-in-law Dr. Wesley Orr. They along with the many people of this community sacrificed so much to build both this hospital and clinic.
A small community like Cottonwood is so fortunate to have a Doctor of the caliber of Dr. Jones.
I request a full reinstatement of Dr. Jones with sincere apology from both sides.
Our human emotional nature so often clouds rational objective thinking!
Nick W. McDonough
(newcomer since 1958)

Redneck Review!
No. 154 - 4/1/2018
Wow!  Easter is here today!  A national feast day celebrated across our country and in most other countries around the world which recognize some brand of Christianity.  It might be a bit foolish to assume that every child who hunts an Easter egg understands why the feast is celebrated.  And if they did,  it would be amazing in view of the efforts made over the years by certain groups of people to either eliminate the feast entirely or at least to change its meaning and the reason for the celebration.
We know of course that it was meant to be, and still is, a celebration of the Son of God, Jesus, who rose miraculously from the grave after a most cruel death just days before.
But wow!  Has there not been a ton of efforts to change the history of that fact! And to deny the very existence of the man-God whose life on earth still is used by historians who accept a calendar divided into parts, before Him and after Him: BC and AD! 
Who, we might ask, is the driving force behind efforts to discredit the feast and the man who is remembered?  Bluntly folks, it is the "A" word, ATHEISM, and its partners in crime, agnosticism and even secularism.  The first flatly denies God, and thus His son, while the second two ignore Him and any impact that He might have on our world.  Research says it is on the rise in our country, and history records the havoc it has wreaked in the 20th c.
Hey!  How can a person be an atheist anyway?  On my way to town the other day, I noticed the wheat fields in our area beginning to turn green!  And the sun rising and setting on time with no exceptions.  The miracle of a new birth, the explosion of growth that takes place when a tiny mustard or canola seed is planted in the dirt!  THE DIRT!  Amazing!  I can not imagine anything happening to me if planted in the dirt! Other than rot and deterioration! All around and everywhere are miracles beyond our understanding!  Sure, we take television and smart phones for granted, BUT, explain to me in simple terms, how my voice can travel across country on a WAVE of some kind or another, and become easily understood by the individual who answers, responding to a series of numbers and letters!  AMAZING!
We could go on and on, but then would risk again the gripe of one of my friends who greets me always, "You are too long winded!"  The point is, no atheist has ever been able to really explain such simple mysteries other than claiming, "evolution!" If credible explanations do exist, lets hear them!  Hey! Read the book of Job, chapters 38 & 39 for a huge two page list of things an atheist can not explain, and God takes care of daily!
Gotta say it again! The atheist and associates problem is just another case of people who insist on "Doing it My Way!"  Time is short, and space is limited, but Dennis Prager once noted that most mass murders in the 20th c. were committed by atheists. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot are credited with murdering over 150 million people who either refused to go along with their mad schemes, or were eliminated because they were judged to be "inferior people." 
And a book recently written by Bill Donohue,  THE CATHOLIC ADVANTAGE... cites one study after another, many by purely secular groups, that religious people who believe in and live their lives by the rules and regulations of  the God they believe in, live longer, are happier, more successful, more generous, and create the kind of peaceful  communities the atheists dream of, but never obtain!  The book cites numerous examples of the sad fate or early death of those who live as they choose, ignoring common sense and accepted rules and regulations.(Next week will discuss related events much closer to home in our country and in our time!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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