Blood drive exceeds goal
Brenda Kaschmitter and Donna Quick, the co-chairs for the Cottonwood Community Blood Drive are happy to say that they had a very successful blood drive.  “We are very excited that we not only met our goal but we exceeded it by 8 pints” exclaimed Brenda Kaschmitter.
“The success of our blood drive depends largely upon our volunteers,” said Donna Quick.  “We honestly could not hold this drive without them; we would like to thank Carol Lauer, Mary Lorentz, Joyce Lorentz, Bobbie Schmidt, Doris Sonnen and Linda Arnzen.  We also would like to thank Anna Kaschmitter for helping at the drive and for putting up the posters beforehand.” Another big thank you goes out to the local VFW for always supplying lunch for the workers and volunteers.
Brenda and Donna agree that a big thank you also has to go out to all of those in our community who roll up their sleeves and donate time after time.  And last but not least we want to thank our fellow employees of St. Mary’s Hospital for coming out in full force to support this blood drive. “We are truly blessed to live in an area that supports this drive so completely; we could not accomplish this goal without all of you!”
The next blood drive is scheduled for June 26, 2018; please contact Brenda Kaschmitter or Donna Quick at 962-3251 if you would like to make an appointment.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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