Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Medicaid expansion within reach- more signatures needed! 
After months of hard work by dedicated volunteers across the state of Idaho, getting Medicaid expansion on the November ballot is within reach. Amazing progress has been made, but we’re in the final stretch to meet the April 30 deadline and we need one last push for signatures to qualify. 
Expanding Medicaid coverage would provide health care to those 78,000 working people in Idaho that currently earn above the limits to qualify for Medicaid, but cannot afford to buy health insurance on the exchange.
Medicaid expansion will save nearly a million dollars in annual property and state taxes in Idaho County alone. Taking advantage of available federal funds would reduce the nearly $2 million in indigent care that is written off by Syringa and St. Mary's hospitals annually, by 50 percent. Statewide, the savings would be $34 million annually.
We can be proud of the support we’ve given in Idaho County, where we met the signature goal about a month early, and our legislative District 7 qualified soon after. But we still need several hundred more signatures to meet the statewide target.
If you haven’t signed the petition, we now have a local signing station in Cottonwood, thanks to the good folks at Dog Bark Park, 2421 Business Loop 95. Business hours are 9am to 4pm 7 days a week or call 208-962-3647. In Grangville, petitions can be signed at Northwest Insurance Agency, and in Kamiah, at Ida-Stone Memorials. 
Monday, April 30 is the last day to sign. Let’s do it!
Mary Ann High
Idaho County co-leader
Medicaid for Idaho

Politics and Potemkin Village
In late 18th century, Katherine the Great, with several ambassadors toured the southern portion of her empire.  
The governor, Grigory Potemkin, in order to impress Katherine and her entourage, floated a river to show Katherine the industrious, prospering villagers.  The only problem was, the buildings and villagers were fake.  Although historians argue to the degree of truth of Potemkin’s villages, the terminology has entered our language.  It means to deceive others into thinking a situation is better than it is.  During election year I often cringe because of the Potemkin Villages that spring up throughout the State or Nation upon the lips of candidates who want a vote.  They attempt to impress how good the economy is, wages are, and how good they are and how much we need them to improve.  Political “Do Gooders” are a lot of show, but no go, just like Potemkin’s villages.  My experience is another person can’t lose weight for me, or build muscle for me, or earn money for me….ultimately I have to do it for myself.  In our republic, each individual has faculties and reason (life), volition (liberty), and production (property).  Its best if each person provides for themselves, accepts responsibility for natural laws and consequences, and doesn’t take the fruit of their neighbors even if it’s legal. 
I hope I find the best candidates to preserve our republic and they are not like Grigory Potemkin. 
Scott Perrin

Janice McGeachin is a true conservative Idahoan
Would you like to have a powerful but gentle ally for lieutenant governor?   I would!!  Janice McGeachin loves Idaho and Idaho citizens.  Janice is visiting with the ordinary citizens of Idaho to learn and understand their difficulties and joys at home and in their business.  She with her husband own 3 small auto businesses and a restaurant and they know the struggles of a thriving business.  Realizing how government can destroy happiness by overreach with regulations, as a house legislator, Janice voted to protect our liberties and rights.   
As a chairman of the House Health and Welfare committee, Janice educated her committee on the mandate which forced individuals to buy health care with abortifacient coverage.   Bravely, she led her committee to fight against this loss of freedom in our state.   Janice also led the fight to protect the unborn and was very articulate in her work to save innocent lives, especially with the Informed Consent Bill and the Ultrasound Bill.
With 10 years of legislative service in the House on various committees, including the Finance Committee, and with the many civic organizations on which she has served as chair, Janice is the one to be our next Lieutenant Governor.  Vote for Janet McGeachin.
Sheryl Nuxoll

Russ Fulcher can be trusted.
Is there an Idaho Citizen statesman that we can truly trust in Congress?  Yes, one!   Russ Fulcher!!!  He has invaluable experience in international affairs working for Micron Tech in 26 countries, including Arab countries.  By personal experience in the Netherlands, he is keenly aware of how socialism destroys the economy.   And years ago, he gave up a high paying job with Micron to come back to Idaho to be present to his family.
When in Senate leadership in Idaho a few years ago, Russ courageously stood for Idaho with our Christian heritage and Constitutional principles against the Obamacare exchange which forced Idahoans into buying health insurance with abortifacients.   Sometimes, he stood all alone in leadership to protect our individual rights.   His speaking expertise clearly explains his position without causing reactionary statements.  
A keen Statemen, an astute businessman, courageous, humble.  Vote Russ Fulcher for Congress.
Sheryl Nuxoll

Redneck Review!
No. 157 - 4/22/2018
Sort of reluctant to say this, but gotta do it anyway!  Common sense and old Red Neck instinct says we are SITTING ON A TIME BOMB!  The question is how long is the fuse, and is there any possibility that the slow burning fuse will go out before the bomb goes off!  And have to admit right up front that any reluctance here on making this statement comes from the years and decades of disaster warnings we have all been exposed to in the past which simply failed to come true... in other words, the expected results did not occur, the fuse did fizzle out before the disaster occurred!
I remember well the 1950's when a large segment of our population was very nervous about the coming year 1960, when events which had been predicted for decades were supposed to explode!  Some people during that time actually moved to mountain tops hoping their presence there would prove to be safer.  And really, old friends of mine will say that old guys much earlier than that were warning that the country was going to collapse!  Well, the depression of the 1930's did come, things got really tough for a time, but the nation did not "collapse," and survived to move on to even greater prosperity!
So, what is the evidence that suggests that the coming years, or even maybe even the coming months, might send our country into a depression type downturn that would spell a period of disaster for us and even the world?
The intent of this article is to suggest that there are at least three areas of concern facing us today, any one of which could send our country into such a disastrous downturn!  And in the next few articles which follow, a detailed look will be taken at each one of them, and at the end, some questions will be raised concerning the effort that might be made by you and me to prevent such a disaster.
The first area of concern is our ECONOMIC situation!  The recent adoption of a federal budget totaling 1.3 trillion dollars for the next fiscal year by itself sends danger signals of the worst kind! It is by far the most expensive budget ever adopted in our country, and will certainly push our current national debt of some 21 trillion dollars another trillion or so in the red! Everyone who has followed this process the past several decades knows that the initial budget always is exceeded before the time lapses, requiring desperate efforts at the last minute to raise the legal debt limit, and borrow more!
And hey!  Will it not put extreme additional pressure on our dollar resulting in more inflation as new gobs of additional money in the economy chase the production of consumer goods which cannot keep up the pace. Every housewife and every budget conscious individual knows today, that prices are creeping up daily, making it more difficult day to day to stretch income which lags behind!  And for now, just think about the impact that the FED trying to raise interest rates to ward off inflation will have on the bloated stock market and the debt which accompanies everyone, consumer and business alike! Scary! Redneck Review 158 will deal exclusively with the "rock and a hard spot" the FED is in today!
Wow!  What about concern area number two:  POLITICS!  Entire books have been written about what is going on behind the scene and under the radar here, and at least one entire article will be spent on this topic! Events in the coming months could trigger disaster also!
Yikes!  What about the MORAL and CULTURAL concern!  Again, this topic will be taken up in the near future, not so much with answers given, as questions which will be asked!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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