County 4-H Party is held
The Annual Idaho County 4-H Party was held on Saturday, April 21, 2018, at the Cottonwood Community Hall.  Over 150 4-H members and their friends gathered at this event which is a "Penny Arcade" intended to raise the awareness of the Idaho County 4-H Program and encourage youth and adults to participate in this youth development program.  This event is also the kick-off for Idaho County 4-H Week.
Each of Idaho County’s 4-H clubs set up a booth at which chances to play cost from one to twenty-five cents. These booths offer a wide variety of games.  Some of this year’s games included penny drops, a cake walk, and a photo booth.
The games concluded at noon with a free hamburger barbecue lunch served by the Idaho County 4-H Ambassadors. 
The Idaho/Lewis County Cattle Association provided the hamburger to BBQ and the Idaho County Wheat Growers Association also makes a donation to help offset the expenses for lunch.  Special thanks to Idaho/Lewis County Cattle Association members for doing the cooking! 

The Saddliers had a cupcake walk as their game booth at the Idaho County 4-H party April 21 at the Cottonwood Community Hall. Photo by Susie Heckman.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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