day workshop set for May 4
“Is a Small Farm in Your Future?” is the title of a one-day workshop on Friday, May 4th, from 10 am to 3:30 pm. This is the first time this exciting workshop has been offered in the Upper Clearwater area. Interested in starting a small farm? Wonder what it would take, and if you’re ready? Whether you’re in the planning stages or have just begun, this one-day intensive workshop will help you determine what options are available for you, explore potential markets and profitability for different enterprises, network with others and learn what it takes to begin and sustain a small-scale farming business. Instructors include Colette DePhelps, UI Area Extension Educator for Community Food Systems and Ken Hart, Lewis/Idaho County Extension Educator. The workshop will be offered from 10 AM - 3 PM in Kamiah, Idaho in the meeting room of the Clearwater 12 Motel (108 E. 3rd Street, Highway 12, Kamiah, ID, 83544) on Friday, May 4th, 2018. Registration is preferred and is $10 per person. To secure a spot in the class please call the University of Idaho Extension, Lewis County office at 208-937-2311. Limited seats will be available at the door as well. “There is still some room for people to register for this class,” said Ken Hart, Lewis County Extension Educator. “This workshop will help people evaluate their plans for the future and provide new ideas and information to help increase the chance of success.” This course is offered by the UI Extension Small Farms Program and Rural Roots, an Idaho-based nonprofit focused on farmer networking and education. The 15-year collaboration has enrolled nearly 600 students across Idaho in the Cultivating Success training program. More information and registration visit: or The event and others statewide are funded by a $506,122 grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA-BFR 2015-70017-23932). |