to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
To the Editor
I want everyone to know that Marv Hagedorn is the only veteran running
for Lt. Governor. He was a Navy man and spent 20 years protecting our country.
He has my vote.
Can you believe there are six candidates in the running for this office
and no one else served in the military. Senator Hagedorn also founded a
group to help wounded veterans return to civilian life, go to school, and
get jobs. He is by far the best of the group running and I am proud to
support him. Please join me, especially you veterans and vote for Marv
Hagedorn for Lt. Governor.
Rick W Johnson
Letter to Editor
Janice McGeachin conservative candidate for Lt. Governor former State
Representative 2002-2012. Janice term-limited herself and went back
to the private sector to help her husband Jim in their small businesses.
Janice and her husband Jim have been married for 30 years have two children
who work in their businesses with them.
Since she retired from the legislature taxes and regulations
have soured and now she has a conservative vision for Idaho: to protect
the unborn, protect our 2nd amendment rights ,local control of our schools,
lower taxes for all, greater quality and options for healthcare and
will work hard for active and responsible stewards of our natural resources.
So if you Love America-Love Idaho Vote Janice McGeachin for Lieutenant
Governor on May 15
Marge Arnzen
To the Editor
Voting is a wonderful freedom I enjoy, and my part is to choose a candidate
who supports my thinking.
So, on May 15 I want my Congressional Candidate to support:
Building the Wall
Repeal of Obama Care in Idaho
Second Amendment rights
Trump’s agenda
Fight to uphold the Constitution as written
Term Limits
Idaho lands back from the government
Russ Fulcher is the Idaho Congressional Candidate who supports my thinking.
Betty Alm
To the Editor
Russ Fulcher for Congress.
Russ Fulcher is Idaho and the citizens of this State need his leadership,
values, and dedication in the nations legislative branch, the People's
House, where Russ Fulcher can represent the people of Idaho. Russ Fulcher's
work ethic, moral character, and common sense leadership is desperately
needed there. I have known Russ, and as a testament to his openness and
genuine character, there has not been one time when I have seen him, that
he hasn't extended his hand and asked how it's going. Russ and his family's
values are what represents the foundation of Idaho values and traditions.
Russ has a proven track record of leadership and vision that will represent
Idaho and its citizens in their future.
My family has known him and his family since our son was in Foundations
Academy, and strongly without hesitation and reservation, support Russ
Fulcher for Congress. I encourage all the people of Idaho to support Russ
Fulcher for Congress.
Steve Christensen
Boise, Idaho
Redneck Review!
No. 158 - 4/30/2018
A time bomb? Last week's review made the claim that we are literally
sitting on a time bomb for at least three reasons; economic, political,
and moral or cultural. This review takes a more detailed look at
the shaky economic situation in our country today!
But first, please note this disclaimer! Not last week nor now
is it claimed that any of these three will cause a major collapse
at a specific time in the future, but only that the trends involved suggest
that the situations cannot go on forever! The old saying "What goes up
will come down" supports a claim that this will happen, later if not sooner!
What is the evidence? History suggests there are disturbing parallels
between today and the "Roaring '20's" which led to the depression
of the 1930's. A huge debt which resulted from our WWI effort poured a
huge new supply of money into our economy. Interest rates were low and
kept low then as now, and consequently, the average man could borrow cheap
money to dump into a stock market almost anywhere, and find his investment
growing by leaps and bounds! Confidence soared, and more and more
Americans invested in stocks which promised to go up without end! Then
BANG! The bubble broke, and the slow burning fuse mentioned last week ignited
a series of events over the next few days, which culminated in history's
Black Friday! The decade long
period of easy prosperity came to a sudden end! Reports at the
time showed stunned investors jumping to their death rather than face their
sudden bankruptcy!
And today? Huge deficits and our exploding national debt have
dumped huge amounts of new money into our economy. And interest rates?
Artificially low and near zero rates have made debt again very attractive!
The predictable and obvious results? A roaring, record breaking stock
market, expensive homes and automobiles leading to gigantic consumer debt,
student debt now totaling over one $trillion itself! With the FED
feeling it is now necessary to clamp down a bit, slowly raising rates,
common sense says soon the "chickens will come home to roost!" An old saying
bluntly noting the critical shape many debtors, including our government,
find themselves in today!
A more thorough look at the situation is beyond the scope of this brief
look, so we close today with a number of quotations taken from James Cook's
MARKET UPDATE, early April, 2018. A new reader will have to take
on faith my endorsement of this bulletin! Its record and the fact
that it endorses an economic theory that has been uncanny accurate since
the 1960's guarantees me that it is a reliable source! Each quotation
is followed by the name of its reputable author!
"Forcing interest rates to artificially low levels and under reporting
the rate of inflation have kept the government's solvency under control.
But abuse of financial behavior does not last forever...The dollar will
hyper inflate. Like every other fiat currency before it, the dollar
will end in the fiat currency graveyard." John Williams
"Rising inflation has hit the headlines, sparking some attention...What
most investors do not realize is that... inflation can quickly get out
of control..." Jeff Clark.
"The prevailing fiction on Wall St. right now is that economic growth
is picking up, and interest rates will rise slowly. They are selling
a dangerous fairytale... and is blatantly false. There is no safe path
for the FED to normalize rates. If they stop raising rates inflation picks
up. On the other hand, keep on hiking rates...when the rising interest
on bonds slams into the record bubble in stocks, it won't be a pretty picture...the
market value of stocks is at the most preposterous level in history...and
a recession, along with an epochal stock market crash is destined to occur...
and there is no way of avoiding it." Michael Pento.
Jake Wren |
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