May events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth in Christ,
Just as Spring slowly shows signs of new life we gather together as a young Church full of hope filled expectations.  You are invited to discover your own newness through engaging in prayer, song, planning, laughter and community during this sacred month of May.  It is here, like the waiting seed we stretch toward the light and break ground for new grace filled possibilities.
   We will begin the month of May with our last class for the Confirmation youth. We will meet at the CEC building on May 2nd at 7:00 p.m. The night will begin with an ice cream social.  Please remember to bring your books.  The Jr. High will have a full day retreat on May 5thbeginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Summit Academy gym.  This day will be lead by our speaker David Calavitta from California.  He will also speak to the Confirmation candidates as they gather on May 6that 9:00 a.m. for a full day Confirmation retreat.  We are so excited to have David come to Cottonwood for these two days!  He spoke at the Steubenville Northwest Conference in Spokane a few years ago and the kids loved him.  Please pray for us as we gather for these two days to grow closer to God and enter deeper on our own faith journey’s.  
 On May 9th the High School leadership team will meet to lead a Bible Study at the OMG at 6:30. We will begin with food and follow up with the study.  Please remember to invite your friends! On May 10th all Confirmation youth will be meeting at St. Anthony’s at 7:00 p.m. for Confirmation practice.  Please remember to invite your sponsor.   Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Mother’s on May 13th.  
    On May 14th the Haiti team will meet at the OMG to go over details for the June 4th trip.  All members need to attend this meeting.  If you cannot make it, please make sure that you send a parent.  You will be receiving important information about the trip.  Thank you to everyone who sponsored us.  We raised close to $ 18,000 in two years thanks to your support!  God bless you all! On May 16th the Confirmation Liturgy will be taking place in Greencreek at St. Anthony’s parish at 7:00 p.m.  I would like all youth who are being Confirmed to be at the Church no later than 6:30. We will be getting pictures taken before the Mass. A reception will follow the Liturgy and will take place at the Greencreek hall.  Please hold our 31 youth who will be Confirmed on this special night in your prayers! A group from the Haiti team will be serving at the Nuxoll wedding in Greencreek on May 19th.  
   On May 20th the Senior’s from Prairie High School and Summit Academy will be honored at the 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s.  All Seniors are invited to this special Mass.  A reception will take place in the Sacred Heart Room immediately following the Liturgy. (Please note: All Steubenville Northwest forms are due to Debbie no later than May 21st) On May 23rd the Jr. High will are invited to the OMG for a Life Night.  We will meet at the OMG at 6:30 for food and follow up with our study.  All Jr. High Youth are invited and encouraged to attend. 
   On May 29th we are meeting at Debbie’s office at 10:00 a.m. for roadside clean-up.  We will be cleaning a three mile stretch outside of Cottonwood.  This invitation is for Jr. high and High School youth.  We will be finished around lunch time therefore, I will take you all to Subway for lunch.  Please bring gloves and let me know if you are able to help.  On May 31st we will have our end of the school bash. We will have food for everyone outside on the Church patio at 6:30 p.m.  We will have food, games, smores and a time to have fun!  Please know that everyone is invited to this celebration of the ending of school and the beginning of summer! 
Enjoy the sunshine and let the joy in her heart change the world!  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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