Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Marv Hagadorn is the clear choice for Lt Governor 
For the residents of Idaho and Lewis County, there is one clear choice for Lieutenant Governor, a gentleman who is uniquely qualified to serve the needs of North Central Idaho. 
Marv Hagadorn is the one candidate who has Central Idaho roots, growing up in Potlatch where logging and agriculture drive the economy. Marv is the one candidate who is an avid outdoorsman, hunter and fisherman. And Marv is the one and only candidate for the office who is also a veteran, serving 20 years in the US Navy. 
Marv is a proven business leader and has served as both a state senator and representative and is a conservative voice in Boise. 
Marv’s views on education, 2nd amendment rights, jobs and economic growth are views that support rural Idahoans and show that he will serve all of Idaho, not just the urban areas in the south. 
Jinny Cash, Grangeville

My Political Litmus
Below are questions I ask of myself.  I then ask them of candidates to sort out whom I think is best.  
1.      Does the candidate build Potemkin villages? 
2.      Is the candidate (and am I) literate?  I’ve read through several republican political flyers.  I’ve found misplaced modifiers, false conclusions, and poor citations that would fail to pass the scrutiny of English teachers Mrs. Hinkelman and Mr. Young at the high school…i.e, would you let someone operate on you if they used newspaper sources for the procedure?  
3.      Is the candidate a Do Gooder? It’s my opinion, after looking at the results, that Do Gooders wielding the force of law to “help” others, have done more harm to individuals than all the harm thieves and robbers have collectively done throughout the world.  How can “Do Gooders” believe helping a group of people by injuring another group is sustainable? 
4.      Does candidate donate their money for civic charities or just your money?  
5.      Does candidate participating in lawmaking or regulating law, understand differences of Natural Law/consequences (Malum in se,) vs man-made law (Malum in prohibitum). 
6.      Is candidate a political or honest entrepreneur?  There are 2 ways to provide: earn it or take from someone that has earned it. Too many laws are a tool of plunder. 
7.      Does candidate believe we live in a democracy? NO.  We live in a republic.  Nowhere in the U.S. or Idaho Constitution, or Declaration of Independence is the word democracy found. 
8.      Is candidate popular because they create “victims” and excuses for them?  Every person I have met has faculties, reason, and capacity.  If America and Idaho is going to be great again, then her people, individually, are going to have to become great again by employing their own faculties and reason, believing in themselves, and that they are capable.
Scott Perrin

To the Editor
Brad Little, the Right Choice for Idaho
Over the past two years, and especially into these past several months, I have watched men and women of all ages, give tirelessly of their energy, time, loyalty, passion and even their finances to support my husband’s campaign for Governor. As I stand back and look at their determination, I am humbled by their continuous generosity to ensuring Brad Little becomes Governor.
Brad has been attacked for being a career politician, but he is anything than that. He is a man who through his work in local and state politics has an even deeper knowledge of not only our home town, but the entire state of Idaho and that has broadened his understanding of the matters affecting all our lives. I am not a politician, but what I am, is a mother and wife who wants only the best for her family. I am proud of Brad and how he has taken his role as Lieutenant Governor seriously by working closely and effectively with many individuals who are also engaged and impassioned to improve life for Idahoans, while maintaining our values.
While managing our ranch and farm, opportunity to be involved with organizations that contribute to the fabric and vitality of our state arose. From the Idaho Wool Growers Association to the Idaho Community Foundation, Brad’s active participation allowed him greater knowledge of the people, issues, and landscape that make Idaho what it is today.
Over the past, dare I say almost 40 years of marriage, Brad’s enthusiasm and energy to be engaged in the life of our state has never faltered.
Relevant experience, relationships and results matter. Being Governor of the great State of Idaho is an awesome responsibility. But first it is our responsibility to elect the individual with the best expertise for the job, and that is Brad.
Teresa Little

To the Editor
I have lived in Idaho for nearly eleven years. This is a great state because we are conservative and free. We value gun rights, our individual freedoms, and we stand strong for conservative principles. 
On May 15th, I will be voting for Senator Bob Nonini for Lieutenant Governor because he stands strong for our true conservative principles. He has an A+ rating with the NRA, and I know my Second Amendment rights will be protected. He also has never skipped an opportunity to protect our gun rights. Other candidates running for Lieutenant Governor missed voting on Second Amendment bills or do not have a record I can trust as a Republican.
Senator Nonini is also the strongest Pro-Life supporter. In my opinion, there is no middle ground on this issue. You are either pro-life or pro-choice. After hearing Bob speak and researching his record, I am confident he is the strongest pro-life supporter in the Lieutenant Governor’s race. In 2008, Senator Nonini sponsored legislation making the coercion of a woman to have an abortion a felony. Other candidates for Lt. Governor do not take as strong of a stance on this issue, and it is very important to support this fundamental value of life in Idaho.
The best predictor of the future is the past. Senator Nonini’s consistent and conservative record indicates that he will be a strong leader for Republicans in Idaho. He is clearly the most qualified and competent candidate for the position. I encourage everyone who believes in Idaho’s traditional and conservative principles to vote for Bob Nonini as well.
Thank you,
Nathan Sutton

To the Editor
Idahoans are a strong people with strong opinions. Whether born in Idaho or transplanted here from somewhere else, you know that the Idahoan way of life unites us all. That is why on May 15th, I will be casting my vote for Senator Bob Nonini in the Lieutenant Governor’s race to protect these core values. 
Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not agree with every single one of his policies, but I do believe that blue politics are not good for any state anywhere (party line politics rarely are). However time and time again the liberal/democratic agenda has proven detrimental to the areas affected by the toxic policies. California, Maryland (Baltimore), and Illinois (Chicago) just to name a few. Senator Nonini’s consistent conservative voting record is proof enough that he will continue to keep Idaho the way it is.
You don’t have to agree on every policy issue he’s voted on in 14 years, but I would ask you try and find a policy of his that you do agree with. Maybe it’s his strong pro-life stance or his advocating of the 2nd amendment. For me, it is Senator Nonini’s work on Hank’s Law, making first time animal abuse a felony in Idaho. Whatever your issue is, be willing to take a look and see the picture bigger than party line politics.
Additionally, to have any sort of discourse, you need a representative who is involved and present. With Senator Nonini’s track record of legislative attendance, you know we can guarantee he’s going to show up for the job. How else would there be dialogue about dynamic local issues, and how could we reach comprises which work for all Idaho residents. 
I personally ask for your vote for Senator Nonini on May 15th. If you have a difference in opinion that’s fine. This is what makes our republic so great. At least show up to vote. Be involved, and be educated in what’s happening locally. The decisions made by our local representatives have a quicker and harder impact than most federal policies do. So protect our homes and protect our future, get out and vote on May 15th. 
Lewis Matthews

Redneck Review!
No. 159 - 5/6/2018
The topic the last two weeks, and again this week and next, causes me a great deal of discomfort!  The reason?  Simply because the subject matter discussed tends to be negative, and thus makes people more uncomfortable and less relaxed!
In other words, it is always better to be the bearer of good news than bad! Sometimes though, the response simply must be "So be it!"  History teaches repeatedly that lessons from the past are there to be learned, and can help avoid disaster if learned in time!
A simple example!  Suppose an earthquake or similar natural disaster took out the high bridge crossing the canyon between any two towns anywhere!  Would it not be advisable to warn people ahead of time of the missing bridge? And would it not be wise for drivers traveling the road to notice the warning and act accordingly, rather than simply ignoring it and suffering the consequences? 
Well, all that is being claimed during this series of reviews, is that solid evidence exists in three areas, economic, political, and moral, that a "bridge could be out," or as has been said earlier, a fuse is burning which could ignite a time bomb we are sitting on! And again it is noted here, that no claim is being made that such a disaster will happen, only that the evidence is there that it is very possible!
Last week we touched on the massive evidence available that the economy has symptoms which could lead to that disaster! Today, we note a few bits of information which point to serious problems which exist in the political field!
Not to be ignored are facts which relate to the threat of Marxism in our country. Simply put, a close study of the philosophies of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin offers valuable insight into the problems which are all around us today! Back in reviews 70-74, a long and very detailed look was taken of goals set by the Communist party, and simply put, they value CONFLICT as an important driving force in history. Piles of evidence cite their claims that creating this conflict in target countries like our own is a valuable step towards their final earthly utopia when "all will be shared equally" and capitalism as an economy and Christianity as a way of life will be destroyed.  Thus the property ownership belief of capitalism and the "love your neighbor" goal of Christianity will quietly disappear!
Thus a related goal of Marxism, and in their own words, socialism, is that the capitalist class as "exploiters of the labor class" must be taxed out of existence and essentially destroyed asa group. Then the goal of "From each according to ability, to each according to need" can be achieved by a government which redistributes wealth so that all can share and share alike!
A casual reading of the news today makes one wonder if this goal of our mortal enemies is not making progress today!  Any "Red Neck " aged person like myself will tell you that the climate in the 1950's was drastically different from the current climate today!  All out efforts are being made using deceit of every kind to destroy the legitimate results of our last election. And we are told a large majority of our colleges are promoting the failed system of socialism as the desired wave of the future!  And dare one even suggest this on a campus or attempt to outline the successes of our own free enterprise system, and a wave of violent protests will attempt to interrupt the session and destroy the speaker!  What about "free speech?"
Really, is it not under constant attack today!
(Continued next week!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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