Conservation Field Day held at Winchester Lake State Park
Teaching outdoors is natural for the Lewis Soil Conservation District. Getting student in the outdoors and teaching them about conservation and natural resources is something they have been doing for 46years. The Lewis Soil Conservation District served the community by organizing and hosting the 46thAnnual Sixth Grade Field Day at Winchester Lake State Park on May 10, 2018. This youth event was enjoyed by approximately 90 6thGrade Students from Highland, Prairie, Summit Academy, and Kamiah school districts. The students rotate throughout eight different educational stations every 20 minutes: Soils and Geology, instructed by Eileen Rowan, Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Forestry, taught by Department of Lands staff, Dave Summers, Chris Gerhart, Dave Luther, Air Quality, instructed by Johna Boulafentis, Nez Perce Tribe, Take Me Fishing, Idaho Fish and Game staff, Cassie Cahill and Logan Hildman, Fire Control, taught by Idaho Department of Lands staff Ryan Wessels, Jed Pentzer, Life Cycle of the Salmon, instructed by Kevin Traylor, NRCS, Cadie Pruss, NRCS, volunteers Roselyn Nuttman and Jinny Cash, Nature Trail, the teachers supervised the student on the walk. The favorite part of the day for the students was riding the canoes with supervision from the LSCD staff Elaine Sonnen, LSCD board member Eric Hasselstrom, volunteers Tom Sonnen, Richard Sonnen, John Powell and Joe Kuther. The Winchester Quick Response crew LeAnn Trautman was on site if needed. 
In appreciation to the instructors for their time and knowledge, Karol Holthaus, LSCD, prepared lunch for them.
Representative Thyra Stevenson and Lewis County Commissioner Mike Ponozzo also joined in on the learning experience. 
It was a great day to be outside, and the rain held off until the students returned back to school.

4 photos from the Conservation Field Day May 10 at Winchester Lake State Park. From top down are the air quality session, a foresty session with the Idaho Dept. of Lands, a fire session and a salmon session. Photos submitted by Karol Holthaus.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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