graduation is held
Fr. Paul was the commencement speaker for the Class of 2018. His talk focused on the value of being a good person over being a successful person. This was the 1st time in Summit history to have a Baccalaureate Mass for the Senior Graduation. In the past the graduates attended a Mass off campus and then returned to school for a separate graduation ceremony. This year Summit, being a Catholic School recognized by the Diocese of Boise, was permitted to do a Baccalaureate Mass in which the diplomas and awards are incorporated with a celebration of the Eucharist in Mass. After the Mass concluded a dessert reception was held in the gym and the Junior Class presented the slideshow. Following are the awards received by each graduating senior. Lucia Osborne Valedictorian, High Honors: Volleyball 4 years, Academic Bowl 4 years, Drama 4 years, 80 hours of Apostolic Service Certificate Scholarships: Knights of Columbus, $400 Presidential Scholarship, $2,500 High School Leadership, $500 She also received The Patriot Award, which goes to the Senior we can always rely on to work hard in all academic areas. This Senior has improved throughout the years due to his/her effort and determination. This person can be found very graciously volunteering to help out in many ways. His/her strong work ethic is a great example for all students. Lauren Stubbers, Salutatorian, Honors: Basketball 2 years, Volleyball 3 years, Academic Bowl 4 years, Drama 4 years, Student Government 4 years, 80 hours of Apostolic Service Certificate Scholarships: Idaho Opportunities Scholarship, $3,500 University of Idaho Silver Scholarship, $2,000 She also received The Excelsior Award, which goes to the overall Senior student who has grown in all four areas of formation we stress. This student is the most balanced intellectually, spiritually, apostolically, and humanly. For the class of 2018, this Senior sums up the “Excelsior” spirit of Summit in all he/she does. This senior deserves the highest honor overall. Vy Truong, Honors: Academic Bowl 1 year, Student Government 1 year, 20 hours of Apostolic Service Certificate Scholarships: Graduate School Award, $9,000 She also received The St. John Bosco Award which goes to the Senior who is always pleasant, in both good times and bad. This individual always has a smile on his/her face and has good words for all occasions. This person has a constant pleasant nature. This person reaches out to fellow students, teachers, and the general community to meet the needs of others and to make everyone feel welcome. This is the senior who displays the best overall attitude.