Board meets
The school board approved a title company resolution that officially declares the old Elementary School building as sold at their May meeting Monday, May 21. Resignations were approved for band teacher Brandy Fiorenza, JV boys basketball coach Gavin Branson, Jr. high football and 8th grade boys basketball coach Todd Nygaard and bus drivers Rod Eckert and Joe Chicane. Approved for hire were Tim Sheffler as boys 8th grade basketball coach, Nygaard as boys JV basketball coach and Gary Milliman and Don Baumann as new bus drivers. A new roof proposal from Arnzen Building Construction for the Elementary School band room was approved. The amount quoted was less than the threshold for having to seek bids. A change order request from Quality Heating for the high school heating system upgrades was partially approved. When Quality brought in an engineer for the job, exhaust fans were required due to the load size of the heating units. He had not figured those into his bid and requested a $13,250 change order. It was discussed whether or not to make him stick to his bid but in the end the board decided to meet him halfway and okay a $6,625 change. A transfer of funds from the general fund to food service was discussed. $39,000 was eventually approved for transfer. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said they will be dropping one cook and look at raising hot lunch prices to help balance the account. Forsmann said the drop in free and reduced lunch eligible students led to the district not receiving as much money from the state as they had budgeted. The levy election was discussed. Unofficial county votes show the levy passed with over 60% yes vote. A simple majority is needed to pass an override levy. The vote total was 356 yes and 225 no with all precincts except Fenn voting in favor. Use of football equipment for football camp was approved as was use of a bus for the girls basketball camp at LCSC. The board approved giving coaching stipends for crosscountry. Glenn Poxleitner was in attendance and said he’s looking at about 18 runners for next fall. He said he has also had some junior high students interested. In the facilities update Forsmann reported work will begin in June on converting the current computer room into a 6th grade classroom. They will have Jack Duman paint 10 of the inside doors at the Elementary building. They will refinish the gym floors again this summer. She is still working on the electric and the water and sewer for the Auxiliary gym and two classrooms to get them separated from the old elementary school. Bleacher work is progressing. Jon Rehder said he has been keeping an eye on the project and the 3 junior boys are doing a really good job. In administrative reports Rehder reported that ISAT and MAP testing is completed. The blood drive was a success. A Grangeville student had taken it on as her senior project to make it a competition between the two schools and Prairie won that competition. Michele Byers and Kendra Dinning will be running concessions for the 2018-19 school year. Denise Mager met with them and is bringing them up to speed. Graduation is Friday. They have reconfigured the athletic director position, splitting duties up amongst Kim Schumacher, Travis Mader and Rehder. Mader will continue to do scheduling while Schumacher will continue as Jr. High AD plus do football, boys basketball and baseball with Rehder taking on volleyball, girls basketball, softball and taking care of hotel accommodations for state tournaments. Registration day for the 2018-19 school year will be August 9. Forsmann reported that their spring testing finished up last week. The concert was a big success. The board adjourned to an executive session at 8:30 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, June 18 at 7 p.m. |
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