to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 163 - 6/4/2018
Time to move on! Enough is enough! And one thing a person
learns teaching school for53 years, is that sticking on a single topic
far too long is a kiss of death! Students in class and readers of columns
eventually wear out and give it up! BOREDOM can set in!
Anyway, for that and other reasons, we attempt a total change of direction
today, although there will be no attempt to resist one last comment on
the main point we have been trying to make the last few articles!
That is that problems beset individuals and countries like ours all
the time, and one has to think about ways to solve them. Here we
have been saying that each individual has much more to do with the solutions
that take place than is normally recognized. Bluntly rejected here,
is the "political correct" mania sweeping our country and maybe even the
world, that individuals are helpless, and that any solution must come from
the experts and the big boys in government and in huge national banks!
The claim made by John Maynard Keynes, and his devoted followers in economics
and government.
One quick example! In our recent presidential election, be you
happy or sad at the result, the outcome resulted from millions of Americans,
one at a time, going to the polls, voting for their candidate. It would
have been very easy and understandable if hundreds of those folks, one
at a time, stayed away thinking "My one vote is so insignificant that it
is not even worthwhile voting."
True, some are griping that a plurality of us voted for the loser,
but the fact remains that 35 of our 50 states voted for the winner, giving
him the electoral votes which put him in office! It is claimed by many
that the electoral system, found clearly in our Constitution, is outdated,
and should be thrown away. BUT...when one looks at the source of
that popular vote plurality, one should think about the wisdom of the founding
fathers who were afraid of a couple of big cities dictating the results
of an election. Especially today, when it is questionable if many
of those city voters were even legal citizens!
So the bottom line is, that each of those voters DID have an impact
on this election, and also in one way or another, do have an impact on
solutions to problems which plague us. It is thus claimed here that each
of us can help "Change the World" and the outcome of elections, and the
solutions to problems by doing nothing more spectacular than praying and
doing our daily and patriotic duty consistently day after day!
So for a second time, "Enough is enough!" And in view of Father's
day coming up shortly, we reprint here a FATHER'S DAY poem written by me,
and found under the title LET FREEDOMRING, published back on June 21, 1984
in the Chronicle. The article was entitled: THE TWOSIDES OF FATHER'S DAY.
Side one was subtitled... To Fathers from Sons and follows here:
Dear Dad, your day has come again, The time to stop and to review,
The many things you've always done, For all us "kids" and others too. Working
hard from dawn to dark, Being there to lend an ear. Restraining a bit,
the bite and bark, You'd like to lay on each sad tear. As the years roll
by we don't forget, Though we aren't so hot at saying so, All the
things you did and are doing yet, That causes our love to grow and
grow. So as time flies by and hair grows thin, Our wish for you Dad
will always be, That the Lord Himself will take you in, And grant you peace
and rest for eternity.
(Next week: The second half... To sons from Fathers.)
Jake Wren |
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