City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council voted to proceed with a grant application that would help fund a hydrology study at their June meeting Monday, June 11. The lack of a hydrology report was apparently a major reason they did not get the FEMA grant they were applying for to do culvert work on Main Street. There was lengthy discussion on the matter as Jack Duman reported the city is looking at an estimated $20,000-$50,000 in engineering costs for the study. The grant they are applying for is a GEM grant through CEDA that would fund $10,000 of that. He didn’t know where the remaining funds would come from. Both Duman and mayor Pepper Harman said their other option is to sit back and wait for disaster to strike. Harman also commented the longer you wait, the more expensive it will get. Along with approving of pursuing the GEM grant the council will call for proposals from engineers to get some solid numbers on just what the costs of the hydrology report would be. Duman said the FEMA grant people told him they have a project they feel would get funded, they just needed the extra information a hydrology report would give them. In other business the council approved renewing the lease for Dawn Crane for the trailer house above the elevators, part of which sets in a dedicated street, although that portion of the street has never been opened. The council also approved a proposal from Terry Holubetz to lease the ball field pasture for $60 per year for 5 years. Rick and Laurie Workman had leased that property for the past several years but asked out of it earlier this year. The council also approved allowing city clerk Carol Altman to purchase a billing module for the utility bills enabling email billing for those that opt in for that. In the reports, Pat Holthaus noted they pumped over 2.65 million gallons of water and sold just under 2.3 million gallons for a net loss of 14%. All testing was good. In the sewer report Roy Uhlenkott said they had a Division of Environmental Quality inspection and paid for JUB Engineering to write a response letter. They are going through the process of applying for a new permit. The new permit would entail more testing and reports. Duman reported the paving is nearly done on Broadway and it went very well. They just have some shoulder work yet to do. In the land and buildings report Linda Nida complimented the city crew on the work done in the park. In the Fire Department report Nida presented a list of surplus items the fire department would like to sell. It will be acted upon at the July meeting as it was not on the June agenda. They had just 1 fire call in the past month. The meeting adjourned at just after 8:30 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 9 at 7 p.m. |
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