Things Are True
by Dan Coburn Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church pastordan@mtida.net We have Prison Ministry here in Cottonwood; myself and two other pastors. One reoccurring theme for many there is expressed something like this. "I'm sure God placed me here so I could get cleaned up and have an opportunity to get closer to Him (God) that I wouldn't have taken advantage of on the outside." Not many, but some have wept as they approached their release date, as they knew they would leave the relative security of a structured life wherein they knew what was expected, and there was a deafening absence of temptation. One offender who returned after a couple of years on the outs related to us that the day he returned to his home town, three of his "friends" met him in the parking lot at the bus station, and offered him Crack. Many look at the twelve foot walls with the razor wire on top, and say within themselves - "Just look at that. I can't come and go as I please. These walls are here to keep me from doing what I want to do. I hate these walls. I hate these fences". Some dogs in a fenced yard spend their time finding or creating a way of escape. They will exhaust themselves in such a pursuit. When I moved to Cottonwood in 04, the first thing I did was build a fence for our dog. Someone asked me -"What's the matter, does your dog have a habit of running off?" "No" says I, "The fence is for her protection. It's to keep out town dogs or coyotes that might hurt her". My dog now, when the gate is open, will be - wait for it - where I am. If I am in the back yard, he is in the back yard. If I am in the front yard, he is in the front yard. Why? because he loves me, and is satisfied if there is anything cool or adventurous happening, I will be involved and he doesn't want to miss it. First, let me assure you I am in no way equating people with dogs, and we'll endeavor to turn the Spiritual Switch. Many relate to me that they hate and or avoid Church, religion, Christians and God because there are too many fences; too many rules, too many do's and more importantly, too many don'ts. It's a matter of perspective and the way you look at God's fences relates more to me about your relationship with Him, than about any other bellwether. In order to illustrate this - and get your attention back, God loves sex. He invented it to be the most intimate of activities we could have. God loves it so much, He put a fence around it to protect it, and that fence is called marriage. Many see this fence as something to be broken or skirted, while from His perspective, any sexual activity outside the confines of marriage is what the Bible calls "fornication". Within this fence, there is not much chance of guilt, STDs or jealous spouses shooting you in the back. Yet by nature, we look for openings to the fence. This is true for all of God's fences. They are not to keep us from anything but harm. They are to protect what is inside. Do you desire to be inside the fence (if you are a Christian)? Do you long to have fences (if you are not)? I want to be Inside the fence because that is the only place Fellowship with God is available. If I'm outside the fence and get mugged by the world, the only place for safety, healing and restoration is Inside God's Fence. What about you? Are you happy inside the fence? or, Does the thought of fences (God's or otherwise) cause turmoil within you? God give me fences, and help me to understand the loving parameters with which you have established them. Then, Lord give me the grace to stay within. |