Board meets
The School Board approved the 2018-2019 budget at their June meeting Monday, June 18. The budget was passed after the budget hearing was held. The preschool agreement was discussed. Erin Shears is looking at adding Mondays to the preschool which would run Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 11. She would then be there from 11 to 3 each day as a daycare type service. Fridays are not available as the Kindergarten needs that room on Fridays. She would continue M-F with the afterschool program from 3 to 6 which is paid for by the school. She asked if the cost to her preschool/daycare from 8 to 3 could be reduced to make it affordable to run. She and her husband David Shears also said they are looking to build their own place to hold the preschool and eventually move. After discussion the board agreed to reduce the daily charge to $45 from the $62.50 they had been going to charge. Christine Reuter was present to present a proposed addition to school policy 3000 regarding being a legal resident of a school district. She has researched this matter in a lot of states. Her concern stems from the fact that her 3 children are currently considered as open enrollment students at Prairie and she feels that is a year-to-year approval thing and would prefer her children not have that hanging over them. She has a house in the Cottonwood District, pays taxes, votes and gets mail through that address. The board acknowledged receiving her proposal and will run it through the state legal council and bring it up as an agenda item at the next meeting. The commercial use of facilities for sports camps was discussed. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann was directed to check on how other districts deal with this and come back with a proposal for next month when the school facility use rates are approved for the coming year. Several hirings were approved. Aimee Uhlenkott and Angel Frei were approved for hire as paraprofessionals replacing Todd Holcomb and Kim Ratcliff, who had resigned. Tessa Howard was approved for hire to a 5/7 PE/Health position replacing Jeanine Wilson, who had moved to Kamiah. Tara Duclos was approved as a part-time counselor at the Elementary School. This is a 1 day per week position. They have had no applications yet for a band/music teacher. Jon Rehder reported after meeting with athletic director Travis Mader and head baseball coach David Shears that he decided Shears’ contract not be renewed as head baseball coach. The board passed a motion to approve that decision. In the facilities report Forsmann reported the work is done in converting the former computer lab into Kim Schumacher’s new classroom. A computer table was added to the library to house 15 computers and make up for the loss of use of the computer lab. The servers and wiring closet were upgraded. Lights on the stage and balcony at the high school were replaced using an Avista rebate offering. A new roof has been put on the band room at the Elementary. The heating systems at the high school has seen some prep work done but they are now awaiting arrival of the heating units, which got delayed. She is working on getting the electric service to the Auxiliary Gym and 2 classrooms. As to the sewer and water she is looking into the possibility of just paying Ryan Uhlenkott and his partners for the service as a possible solution. Gym floors will be refinish in early August. In the administrative reports Forsmann reported classrooms are being cleaned and waxed at the Elementary School. The 6th grade teachers met with the 7th and 8th grade teachers to discuss curriculums. As superintendent she reported she and Rehder attended a training on observation skills and she will be attending an IDLA training this week. No bids were received on the pickup. They will now look into listing it again seeking best offers. Rehder reported graduation went well with a number of compliments on keeping it to just an hour. The safe and sober night at Greencreek was also a success. Lockers are being refurbished at both the Elementary and High School at the end of July. They have Champion lockers coming in to fix hooks, shelves and handles. They will finish them with a fresh coat of paint. The High School was named the “School of Excellence” for the 2nd year in a row. High School registration is set for August 9. The board meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, July 16 at 7 p.m. |
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