Gus Hoene was re-elected as school board chairman at the July meeting
of the School Board, which also served as the annual meeting. . . .
[Read full story]
vie for Fair Royalty
This year there are 7 young ladies competing for spots on the 2019
Idaho County Fair Royalty, the most in several years. They are Ciara Chaffee,
Anna Kaschmitter and Halle Klapprich of Cottonwood and Madison Adams, Naomi
Connolley, Clarissa Stevens and Grace VanGunten of Grangeville. . . .
[Read full story]
Quilters are keeping busy
We are still here and busy. I mean the Prairie Quilters.
You haven’t heard from us in a while so here is an update. . . .
[Read full story]
Sitter course offered
St. Mary’s Hospital will offer Safe Sitter® courses for young teens,
grades 6-8, July 24 & 25, 2018 at Prairie Elementary School. Registration
deadline is July 20, 2018. . . .
[Read full story]
Festival to feature Art Show
This year's Raspberry Festival at the Monastery of St. Gertrude will
feature an art show that will be a celebration of the many talents in our
community. . . .
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open for Raspberry Festival Fun Run
Registration is open for the 10K Fun Run and 5K Run/Walk that kicks
off the day of family fun at Raspberry Festival on Sunday, August 5. .
. .
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invited to discuss forest plan revision
The Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests will be hosting several opportunities
later this summer for the public to discuss Forest Plan Revision with members
of the Forest Plan Revision Team and Forest Leadership. . . .
[Read full story]
delegates attend state Republican convention
Recently, 9 delegates from Idaho County gathered in Pocatello with
other delegates (elected citizens) from the other 43 counties in Idaho
to discuss the beliefs, actions, and performance of Idaho’s Republican
Party. . . .
[Read full story]
Democrats to meet
The Idaho County Democratic Party would like to invite all members
and anyone interested in becoming a member . . .
[Read full story]
The Prairie High School football and boys basketball and Junior High
football schedules for the upcoming school year are now available . . .
[Read full story]
girls sports schedules
Prairie High School volleyball and girls basketball schedules as well
as the Prairie Junior High girls basketball schedule are on this page.
. . .
[Read full story]
to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's
print edition of the Cottonwood Chronicle. . . .
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The seven candidates for 2019 Idaho County Fair Royalty.
Top from left are Ciara Chaffee, Anna Kaschmitter and Halle Klapprich.
Middle from left are Madison Adams, Naomi Connolley and Clarissa Stevens.
Bottom is Grace VanGunten. See story at left. Click on the photo for a
larger view.
Members of the Keuterville Livestock 4-H Club recently
visited with residents at the Grangeville Health & Rehabilitation Center.
Photo submitted by Maureen Munger. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Brenda Kaschmitter is coordinating the upcoming Safe
Sitter class sponsored by St. Mary's Hospital. See article above left.
It appears we have an identification for the woman
in the photo above that appeared in the July 5 Chronicle. Jim Gehring,
Guy Jungert and Claudia Gehring all said it was Dolores Morrow. Jim Gehring
said her parents Clyde and Alberta Morrow ran the theater for awhile. Both
Jim Gehring and Jungert said she married a Padgett.Claudia Gehring said
that her uncle John Forsmann dated Dolores but she did not know who she
married. We have passed the information on to Denice Haener, who sent us
the photo and hopefully she can get the photo to the family.
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Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at
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