Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 169 - 7/16/18
Make no mistake about it folks!  There is a relentless war going on, the outcome which could drastically alter the way of life we live here. It is my conviction that living conditions in our area, in Idaho, and in our nation in general rank among the best in the world!
Can one argue why this is true?  Basically yes, since there is still a commitment on the part of a majority of people here that life is precious, that we are all children of God, are entitled to basic rights to life, liberty, and respect, which we owe to all others on earth!
In practice,  just what does this mean?  It means that individual differences are precious. It means that other's point of view will differ from our own, but must be respected. Also It means we honor the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ. It means we should work hard to take care of ourselves, but be aware of the needs of others!
Long term residents of this area will tell you that this is basically true here, and thus is an important part of making life here the envy of many outside of our area and our nation!
But what are the threats that could destroy this environment?  In recent reviews, a look has been taken at a growing atheistic movement, appearing politically in Russia in 1917, and known to the world as communism.  A study of this movement forces one to realize that CONFLICT based on HATE is the driving force that fuels this system.  Anyone who talks peace and love of neighbor is a mortal enemy, and puts that individual in enemy "crosshairs"  destined to be "liquidated."  No truth is absolute, anything goes, just so long as it helps bring about a utopia on earth based on government ownership of all property, and equal distribution of everything based on need.     Are there signs of this here today?
But the real enemy could well be more difficult  to detect!  What about the all out attack  going on world wide against the traditional notion of the family?  Not only in the world all around us, but right here in the U.S., the last few decades have exposed us to explosions of attacks on the family as traditionally understood. Homosexuality and gay marriage is not only tolerated, but is being forced on us as acceptable. Taught in more and more of our schools, those who object are being ridiculed as old-fashioned, or "homophobic," having "an extreme or irrational hatred of homosexuality."  Not only are we expected to accept these deviant notions of "family", but an all-out push for "female reproductive rights," including the right to abortion is being pushed on us and other parts of the world.
In a recently published and well documented book, TARGET AFRICA, it is noted that an all out effort is being made by liberals in the West including the U.S. to force this thinking on the nations of  Africa, despite the fact that a huge majority there are 80-90% opposed to abortion and homosexuality. The pressure comes from the people in control in many cases, as can be seen clearly in the history of the MEXICO CITY POLICY passed  the first time in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan requiring that any nation receiving aid from the U.S. would "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning."
President Clinton overturned this policy, but George Bush reinstated it.  Overturned again  during the Obama years, in 2017  it was again reinstated by Donald Trump.  Interesting, the book notes that even when overturned by Clinton and Obama, "70 percent of the responders to a poll who were pro-choice or Democrats still said they opposed the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions in other countries."  So the pressure is from the elite, not the people!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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