School Board meets
Gus Hoene was re-elected as school board chairman at the July meeting of the School Board, which also served as the annual meeting.
Pat Alfrey was re-elected as vice-chairman with Denise Uhlenkott re-appointed as clerk-treasurer and Cheri Holthaus and Lynn Rehder re-appointed as assistant treasurers.
Check signers, bus rental rates and per diem rates all remained the same as last year.
Hot lunch rates will go up 10 cents for students and 50 cents for adults. New rates are $2.15 for Elementary school students, $2.65 for jr./sr. high school and $5.00 for adults.
Facility use rates for the most part stay the same with an addition of $10 per ½ day and $20 per full day for camps that are approved by the coach of that particular sport. They also added any use of more than two weeks must come before the board for approval.
Lynn Guyer appeared before the board and shared some information from a workshop he attended as Cottonwood City Councilman on safe schools and preventing targeted violence. The workshops were put on by school resource officers and an FBI agent. He shared that you can’t prevent it from happening. You can hope to lessen the chances. Schools with single entry security like Prairie’s schools run into problems when someone who doesn’t want to keep having to use a key if they’re going in or out will just prop a door open with a rock. The advantage in a rural school like Prairie is that we know the students better than large schools do. Overall he did not paint a pretty picture.
Nick Brotzman was approved for hire as the jr. high assistant football coach. They are still seeking a jr. high head football coach. Brotzman has never coached before so didn’t feel comfortable taking the head job. He plans on working with the high school team once they start practicing so he can get up to speed by the time jr. high practice starts on the first day of school.
Extra-curricular assignments were approved with a couple yet to fill.
Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann discussed open enrollment numbers stating they have 24 families with 44 total students coming into the district.
The resignation of music/Spanish teacher Laurie Karel was approved. She is leaving the district to pursue another opportunity.
In the facilities update Forsmann noted most of the summer work has been completed. Yet to be completed is the heating system upgrade at the high school. Much of the prep work is done and the units are expected to arrive in mid-August.
Gym floor refinishing is expected to start July 27.
Lockers in both schools have been cleaned with maintenance done on hardware and repainted.
In her administrative report Forsmann noted teachers are going through some training this summer and taking online courses.
The Auxiliary Gym now has a new address: 609 Church Street. It now has its own electrical service with the school to pay Ryan Uhlenkott for water and sewer service as that seemed the best way to go instead of trying to create new hook-ups for the gym and classroom complex.
Forsmann said they are joining with Genesee on a resolution to have full funding of everyday Kindergarten. Prairie currently has Kindergarten 3 days a week and are being funded for 2.5 days.
Jon Rehder reported the high school got grant money to purchase an $18,000 Arc Pro plasma table. It is being built by Arc Light in Bend, Oregon. Jeff Martin and Don Curry will be driving over to Bend on August 19, will attend training on the 20th and bring the table back with them. This will be a great addition to the ag and technology programs. Rehder shared some pictures of things Nezperce has done with the one they have. 
The board adjourned to an executive session regarding a student evaluation at 8:10 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, August 20 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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