to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 171 - 7/30/18
Hey! We all have heard of the "Pause that refreshes!" Well,
that is my intention today as noted in last week's review! Started
thinking then that a constant commentary on the bad things we see happening
around us can get sort of depressing! And it tends to hide the fact
that the good things we find around us are more important anyway!
And there are for sure, a lot of good things, and a lot of good news that
we can share that will lift our spirits
and make us realize that we are after all, some of the most fortunate
people on earth!
So that is the intention today... to pick out and appreciate those
things that we have here in this country and especially in this area that
are the envy of the rest of the world!
1) Food, and plenty of it! Followers of the news today know that
it is not starvation that makes news in America, and especially in our
area. The big push is "losing weight!" Ads and TV programs by the dozens
promise to "take off those extra pounds" so many Americans find themselves
dealing with! True, there are unfortunate folks today who are hungry
, but dealing with that we find food bank baskets in every nook and cranny,
with weekly food giveaways to needy folks. And it is common knowledge
that some 45 million of us qualify for food stamps, just for the
asking and the taking! And what about the times we hear that "pan
handlers" on the corners of many city streets take home incomes equal to
and in some cases greater than folks who work hard for a living!
So chalk up one plus many in the world around us cannot claim!
We are not hungry, and for sure not starving like many of them!
2) Medical care! My computer is down today, so no statistics
available! But it is safe to say that nearly all of us in America
have access to the medical attention we need. True, we hear that many do
not qualify for medical insurance even under Obama Care, and many of us
cannot afford to pay for insurance that is available. BUT... let us not
forget that doctors and hospitals in our country are pledged to treat emergency
situations when they
occur. And also we need to realize that "Indigent Care" has been and
still is in many areas a big expense for county government. And what
is "Indigent Care?" Simply, care given to unfortunate people who find themselves
in need of medical attention, but cannot pay for it nor have any insurance
to help! Admittedly , not every one in America can have a heart transplant,
a sex reversal, a painful hip or knee replaced unless they have means
to pay or insurance for it. But the basic medical care available
to us is not there for many other folks in other lands and places! So count
another blessing enjoyed in America!
3) Freedom! What percentage of people in this country willingly
leave for other countries in an attempt to increase their economic and
political freedom? What percentage of us do not feel free to go to
the church of our choice, or vote for the candidate we like? How many other
places around our globe have pages of want ads full of "Help Wanted?"
And salaries for those willing to work which allow nice homes and dependable
cars? And how many of our neighboring countries have financial programs
available for almost anyone who wants to go to the college of his or her
The bottom line is, despite our many difficulties , we still are the
luckiest people on earth! And it might well be a "refreshing pause" for
all of us to stop and count our blessings, and refuse to let the obvious
problems we face over shadow the good things we enjoy!
Jake Wren |
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