Updated August 9, 2018
Note from the Principal...School is just around the corner
I hope you all are having a fun and relaxing summer!  Can you believe that the start of school is already a topic of conversation? . . .
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Raspberry Festival winners and photos
Following are some of the winners at the 26th Annual Raspberry Festival. . . .
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Sign up for the Fair Parade, which is only a week away
Idaho County Fair is just around the corner on August 15th-18th and the Fair Board would like to let you know that you now can enter your float on line by going on to idahocountyfair.org to register. . . .
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St. Gertrude's hosts the Benedictine Spirituality Workshop and Retreat
Benedictines are called to a life of stability, obedience, and conversion, according to the Rule of Benedict. As part of the long process of preparing for Final Profession, seven sisters from monasteries across the country gathered at Spirit Center July 10-25 for lectures, study of the Rule, group work, outings, and a final four-day silent, directed retreat. . . .
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Prairie Elementary School Supply Lists and updated High School lists
On this page are the school supply lists for Prairie Elementary School and the updated Prairie Jr./Sr. High lists. . . .
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Fun Run overall results
Listed on this page are the overall results of the Raspberry Festival Fun Run/Walk along with some photos. . . .
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Syringa Hospital purchases Accuvein machine
Syringa Hospital Foundation’s annual Fun Run held during Grangeville Border Days raised $2,700. These funds will go toward the purchase of Accuvein, a vein visualization instrument which will greatly assist in IV placement and blood draws on patients with difficult veins. . . .
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Family offers reward
The family of Shawnta L. Pankey is offering a reward of $3,500 for information leading to the discovery of Shawnta, alive or deceased. . . .
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Prairie schedules
The Prairie High School football and boys basketball and Junior High football schedules for the upcoming school year are now available . . .
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Prairie girls sports schedules
Prairie High School volleyball and girls basketball schedules as well as the Prairie Junior High girls basketball schedule are on this page.  . . .
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Letters to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's print edition of the Cottonwood Chronicle. . . .
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Raspberry Girls Miranda Klapprich and Rachel Sonnen spread cheer through the crowd at the Raspberry Festival and handed out balloons to the youngsters.See article for more Raspberry Festival photos. Click on the photo for a larger view.

For the second year in a row, Prairie High School received the 1A-Div. 1 School of Excellence Award. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann and Principal Jon Rehder are shown receiving the award from Ty Jones, IHSAA director and SFC Matt Wilson of the Idaho Army National Guard. The Idaho Army National Guard sponsored the award. Academics, athletics and citizenship all figure into who receives the award. Click on the photo for a larger view.

The Idaho County Fair Royalty invite you to join them during the Idaho County Fair Parade next Saturday, August 18. See story above left. Photo submitted by Joyce Sonnen. Click on the photo for a larger view.
The Craigmont Community Church will host singer, song writer, Brent Vernon on Friday night this week at 6pm. Brent is accompanied by his friend Sam, whom many call a dummy. But Sam is a character of sharp wit and can also sing. Brent Vernon is from South Florida. Using songs, stories, and humor to communicate his faith, Brent has crisscrossed the United States countless times as well as performing in Ireland, Australia, Canada, and the Caribbean. The concert is free, but a love-offering will be received and Mr. Vernon will have CDs for sale after the show. Doors open at 5:45. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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