to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 175 - 8/27/18
My... how a few years, maybe only a few months, and possibly even a
few days can change the way the news reports and the stories change!
The 60-->50->even 40 degree temperature we have experienced
the last couple of days is a relief from the 90 to 100 degrees we were
enduring around here, in the area and in other parts of the country!
But, was it not expected as we end the month of "Hot August Nights," and
enter into September with its often chilly football nights? Kind of normal
if you ask me!
But recall just last week the associated press news releases featuring
disastrous fires all around us, almost everyone of them including
a claim that "Global Warming," oops, now more often cited as "Climate Change"
is a major culprit. This column would argue that we are witnessing a normal
transition from a hot fire season to a cooling fall season which normally
will lead to snow and winter!
Of course, the claim does not deny that new records are set from time
to time, so it is not an unusual thing for new highs and new lows to be
set in temperatures and even in other areas. Just a normal occurrence in
a world of constant change, characterized however by predictable limits!
It is safe to say is it not, that we will not be seeing hottest temperatures
of the year in mid January, or the coldest ever in mid August! Should
either occur, that would make news!
Even a few years can change news reports and expert predictions!
For example, two years ago, it was a simple matter to call up the 31,072
scientists who signed the the "Kyota Petition" in 1997, which urged the
U.S. government to reject the Kyota agreement, claiming there was "no convincing
evidence" that man-made greenhouse gases were causing atmospheric heating!
They were all listed by name there as noted in RNR #78, dated 10/17/2016!
Try to find the same information today! It is there, but today it
is buried deep in the data while stress is put on the agreement and those
who signed!
Even more embarrassing was the prophets of doom calling for us
to abandon carbon based fuels, based on predictions made in the 1960's
that carbon based gas and oil sources would be totally exhausted by 2000!
U.S. teachers were "educated" at meetings held by authorities who used
a computer model created in a Los Alamos Lab with Montana State University.
The computer called for a serious reduction in gas and oil use because
the supply would be totally gone by 2000! I was there and attended
those meetings, and even used the computer in my classes for several years,
essentially to make the point that such predictions were faulty! Hey! Try
to find any source on the internet today discussing the model and its conclusions!
Equally embarrassing were the "life boat earth" activities we were
supposed to use to train our students how to select who would be chosen
to live and who would have to die since the earth was becoming so over
populated that population had to be severely limited. And how about those
of us who remember a Washington state governor on "Earth Day" in the 1960's
warning that the human race would be living "elbow to elbow" in the future
should not drastic
steps be taken to reduce the world population growth!
Space too limited, and time too short to print other evidence that
"climate change" concerns today are not the whole story! In fact,
we will look at information next week that suggests that instead of ever
increasing temperature, we need to prepare for another long cooling
Jake Wren |
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