Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
The Right to Life of Idaho (“RTLI”) state board of directors has taken the unanimous position that it opposes Medicaid Expansion on the sole basis that it will be used to expand backdoor funding and opportunities for additional abortion services, abortion-causing drugs, and additional funding to Planned Parenthood. 
Medicaid presently covers contraceptive services under the Idaho state plan.  With Medicaid Expansion, thousands more women will have access to contraceptives through Planned Parenthood, as Planned Parenthood is eligible to receive Medicaid funds. Many of these contraceptives known as the “morning after” or “emergency contraceptive drugs” are potential abortion-causing drugs—otherwise known as abortifacients.
The difference between preventing life and destroying life is extremely significant to many women. Women deserve to know that difference.
The expansion in government funding will serve to expand Planned Parenthood’s ability to increase abortion services, including funding for these potential abortifacients at taxpayer expense.
The majority of Idaho people stand for life and support the prolife position that all life is sacred. They support efforts to maintain life in every way possible, especially when it comes to the spending of funds for healthcare.  Let us be wary of an out-of-state promoted and funded solution, which will line the pockets of Planned Parenthood and grant Planned Parenthood more ability to provide for abortion services and abortion-causing drugs. The “devils in the details,” so please know the facts before you vote.
Healthcare for a mother and her unborn child should never include killing her unborn child by abortion, and Idaho’s taxpayers should never be forced to pay for abortion-causing drugs. 
This November, please vote No on Proposition 2, Medicaid Expansion in Idaho for the sake of the “poor” disenfranchised and choice-less children in the womb.
Kerry Uhlenkott
Legislative Coordinator
Right to Life of Idaho
431 Denver RD
Grangeville, Id 83530

Redneck Review!
No. 176 - 9/3/18
Ever hear of the "Maunder Minimum" or the "Dalton" Minimum?  Or "Sun Hibernation" theory?  Or have you heard anything recently about the "Medieval Maximum"?
It is safe to say today that unless you are out of the "Politically Correct" loop, all of the above and then some others are totally unknown to you!
So what are the easily researched periods above?  The Maunder Minimum is the name given to the period roughly from 1650 to 1700 when temperatures dropped dramatically, caused by reduced sun spot activity, scientifically called  "Sun hibernation"! The Dalton Minimum?  A similar cold period roughly from 1790 to 1820. Or what about the proposed "Modern Minimum" ahead of us, claimed to be a coming cold period starting about 2015 and extending to around 2050 with the lowest temperature predicted about 2035?
And let's not forget the Medieval Maximum period, which research tells us happened from about 1000 to 1250 A.D.  And while we are thinking about it, why not look up the "Modern Maximum" period which research tells us will end sometime around 2015.
Now wait just a minute!  Why is the information above important?  Simply because all  the news we have been reading about the last several weeks, or hearing on radio or TV, is "climate change"  resulting in "global warming" which helps fuel our drastic forest fires and much of the climate problems we have experienced lately.
The cause?  Well, if not mistaken here, the explanation is nearly always, "greenhouse gases" caused by the burning of carbon based fuels! And the remedy? To cut back or eliminate using gasoline, diesel or coal,  by cars or homes or factories, or whatever!
Recall reading last week's RNR where the "Kyoto Agreement" in Japan in 1997, the climate simulator computer produced by Montana State U. and a laboratory at Los Alamos, and the "life boat earth" educational exercises all were discussed.  All designed to convince us that drastic changes had to be made to ensure our future!
But what do we hear from the dissenting side to all of the above?  For starters, it has been argued here that a Creator God would not put resources on earth which would destroy us by their use!  Starving?  Feel free to eat the fruit growing wild on a tree, or the Camas roots you can find in the ground!  Freezing? Feel free to start a fire with any of the wood found around! Need a modern heater?  Do not worry about using gas, oil, or propane found in 
huge quantities around the globe today to heat your home! Or power your vehicles!
And what say modern expert dissenters? One sample!  "The theory of man-made global warming and climate change based on human greenhouse gas emissions is the greatest international scientific fraud ever perpetrated on the world's citizens!"  And just who is the "expert" making  this comment? John Casey, whose book  DARK WINTER makes this comment  in the first few pages, along with the following predictions: "!)We are at the end of modern global warming, 2)Solar hibernation is causing a historical reduction in the energy output of the Sun,  3)A long term drop in the Earth's average temperature is coming, 4)The next climate change involves 20-30 years of deep and dangerous cold weather."  Just who is this John Casey?  Do your own research, or stay with this column one more week to see just who he is and also to see evidence submitted by other very credible sources. 
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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