Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 177 - 9/10/18
Just what is the average person to believe anyway?  As noted in last week's review, daily newspapers and TV news reports recently completed a "field day" suggesting that recent fires were intensified by increased "global warming," while often  commenting  it would continue to get worse if more aggressive means were not taken to curb a major cause: green house gases caused by using carbon-based fuels like coal, diesel and gasoline.
A closer look at the issue also would suggest that the United States, especially under the administration of Donald Trump, is a major contributor to a potential coming disaster, and is a kind of international "bad guy" for not agreeing with efforts to deal with the problem!
But there are dissenters!  Quoted here recently  was John Casey's book, DARK WINTER, with the quote in its first few pages: "The theory of man-made global warming and climate change based on human greenhouse gas emissions is the greatest international scientific fraud ever perpetrated on the world's citizens!"  He goes on to say a bit later:"1)We are at the end of modern global warming, 2)Solar hibernation is causing a historical reduction in the energy output of the Sun, 3)A long term drop in Earth's average temperature is coming, and 4)The next climate change involves 20-30 years of a dangerous cold weather period."
Just who is this guy anyway? His record says he has "served his country, science, and high technology industries for over 35 years... has been a national space policy advisor to the White House and Congress... consultant to NASA Headquarters,... is currently the President of the Space and Science Research Corporation... which specializes in the science and planning for the next climate change to decades of cold weather..."
Dr. Fumio Tsunoda, Professor Emeritus of Geology, Japan, says clearly: "The air is filled with lectures and rumors that our Earth is getting warmer. The author of DARK WINTER, John Casey,  has found evidence to the contrary... a brilliant page to the history of science!"  DARK WINTER includes page after page of other international climate scientists who provide very convincing evidence that periodical changes in sun spot activity are really the cause of the historical rise and fall of temperature periods, and that we are currently entering into another period of cooling temperatures (not warmer!) that will become dangerously cold around 2035.
In another book also written by John Casey, UPHEAVAL,  the author of the Forward has this to say: "I have had the opportunity to follow John Casey, and his intensely dedicated efforts against overwhelming odds to tell the American people and the world to get ready for a potentially dangerous new cold climate.... which will be accompanied by catastrophic earth quakes and volcanoes here on earth.  He has been under assault from the U.S. government,
environmental extremists, a hostile media intent on making sure no one hears his important message... not about global warming, rather global cooling!"  UPHEAVAL links increases in earthquakes and volcanoes to the historic cold periods documented in both books!
Space limited here, but there are other dissenters!  Arthur Robinson, Ph.D. announced in 2008 that 32,000 scientists disagree with "global warming,... including 9000 Ph.D.s"  all who disagree with the Kyoto agreement, a "consensus of American scientists who are opposed," not "just a few" as claimed by Al Gore and his "politically correct" global warming advocates! So, who to believe? No predictions here... except, the "political correct" claim that we should discontinue using a very valuable resource MAKES NO SENSE TO ME!  And you?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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