Guyer resigns from City Council
Cottonwood City Councilor Lynn Guyer submitted a resignation letter to be read at the September meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Monday, Sept. 10.
Guyer is moving to Deer Lodge, Montana, where he has been named warden at the Montana State Prison. 
Mayor Pepper Harman will be looking to appoint someone to fill out Guyer’s term which lasts another 15 months.
Serena Lockett and Tabitha Key appeared before the Council to look into bringing back the Buggy Whip celebration. After some discussion they were referred to the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce, which was the celebration’s sponsoring body in the past.
Sheriff’s Deputy Doug Ulmer updated the Council on what the Sheriff’s Department has been doing lately.
In reports, Pat Holthaus reported a 7.4% water loss on 8.5 million gallons of water pumped in the past month. 
There was no report from sewer, land and buildings or the Airport.
Jack Duman reported he is working on stormwater issues and setting up a hydrology study meeting.
Linda Nida reported the fire department is working on distributing the surplus items to other departments as donations. She said they had one call, a grass fire on Frei Hill.
Several bad debts were written off.
The October meeting has been changed from Oct. 9 to Oct. 15 due to conflicts for Council members. The meeting will still start at 7 p.m.
Don Munkers appeared and said he will forego the waiver he received for his yoga classes and will pay the $50 rental fee.
Employee pay raises were approved.
The Blue Cross Employee Insurance Plan was tabled for more information. They may schedule a special meeting to address the issue.
Catering permits were approved for Wolftrack Brewing for their Octoberfest on Sept. 15 and for the Idaho County Democrats on Sept. 22.
Alleyway restoration on water/sewer projects was discussed with most of the discussion on where to put the excess material that is removed. They are looking at above the Wimer ballfields.
Also discussed was the hangar for sale at the airport and the allowed uses for potential buyers.
The meeting adjourned about 8 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, October 15 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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