Emma Gehring and Carson Schmidt were named Homecoming
Queen and King at halftime of Friday’s football game. Click on the photo
for a larger view.
The sophomores won the float competition and also
had the eventual Homecoming Queen, Emma Gehring, as their nominee. The
white screen at the front of the float was to have last year’s state football
championship game being shown but it was still too bright out to see. Click
on the photo for a larger view.
The Elementary students joined the parade at the church
and you can see them gathering up candy tossed from the floats. Click on
the photo for a larger view.
The Cheerleaders led the Homecoming parade followed
by the band then the class floats. Float from top down are the seniors,
juniors and freshmen. Click on each photo for a larger view.
The burning P after the Powder Puff football game
last Wednesday evening during Homecoming Week with the students encircling.
Many were trying to get warm. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Friday of Homecoming Week the Elementary Pirates are
saluting the flag and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. They had 98% attendance
that day. Photo provided by Rene’ Forsmann. Click on the photo for a larger
The PHS band was at the football game last Friday,
giving a college feel to the game as the band played the Prairie Fight
Song after touchdowns. Back to the camera is new band director Jon Madrid.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Five generations of the Stella Mosman Harman Family.
From left are great-granddaughter Holli Havens-Balmer, holding great-great
grandson Nolan Rodney Balmer; granddaughter Nikki Harman-Havens holding
great-great granddaughter Jacqueline Balmer, son Gordon Harman, and Stella
Mosman-Harman holding great great grandson Lowell Ryan Balmer. This photo
was taken shortly before Stella’s 98th birthday on August 28. She was born
on that date in 1920 at Uniontown, Wa. The twins, Nolan and Lowell, were
born to Beau and Holli Balmer on May 16, 2018. Photo submitted by Marilyn
Harman. Click on the photo for a larger view.
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Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)
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